
8 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Ownzel Camett




Teen (16 or so)


Greenblood Troll


Of the Sun, Moon, and Stars

Creation Date:

Summer 2011


The ignored troll. Primarily friends with Atapyx instead of the main group. Likes tea.

She is the Space player, and she loves the idea of guardian angels - especially pertaining to the troubles her moirail has. Ownzel is level-headed, somewhat boring in her mannerisms, and has a slight amount of psychic ability to see the future and past.

Ownzel Camett is an olive-green blood with some amount of psychic foresight. It’s nothing super outrageous, nor is she in very good control of it; but it’s there.

Ownzel likes to cook, perhaps a bit surprisingly. It isn’t really something that she shares with all her friends, however. Ownzel is rather bothered by things that go against the rules of anything (be it her own rules of organization or the laws of physics) and much prefers order and logical “perfection.“

A lot of Ownzel’s spare time is spent with her moirail Atapyx. He is a rather special case, but the long story short is that he is rather infirm and has a shithead of a brother. Ownzel wishes that she could protect him better, or even heal him, hooking to her idolization of angels: supernatural, perfect beings with the magic ability to heal and protect.

Ownzel lives in the classic space-aspect tower near the very edge of the forest. Her lusus is called Fooxe and is a cross of a fox, a moose, and a walrus. Her god tier is the Knight of Space - if they still play.