Brice Alderon



5 years, 3 months ago


Brice Alderon


Name Brice
Age 29 yrs
Gender ID Nonbinary, masc
Pronouns He/They/It
Sexuality Bisexual
Race Human
Occupation Grocery Store Employee (Clerk)
Height 6'2"
Demeanor Disheveled
Home/Origins Omoya, Arcadia
Alignment Neutral
Tarot The Chariot
Aesthetics Board


  • rabbits, wolves
  • smoking
  • thunderstorms
  • the woods
  • grunge/goth styles
  • emo music


  • attention
  • busy social gatherings
  • dogs
  • professionalism
  • store jobs

Brice is a level 12 Multiclass, with 8 levels in Fighter (Eldritch Knight) and 4 levels in Warlock (The Fiend, Pact of the Tome).
General Traits List: Grumpy, alert, generally quiet, mysterious vibes, tidy, daring, stubborn, athletic, articulate, honest, sentimental, compassionate, hands-on worker, self-reliant, thick-skinned, stoic, frugal, assertive, a little abrasive, moody, lonely, vindictive.

expanded traits


Early Life

After opening and reading a tome donated in his father’s study by a mysterious visitor, he unknowingly made a pact with an "entity" that would banish him to a different world/timeline from his own and cursed to lead a painfully average minimum-wage life. In exchange, he can talk to animals. He made this pact QUITE young, around 12. Did not know what he was getting into. People do NOT believe that he is from the past and an era with a lot of magic and mystery, partially as a byproduct of the curse but also because it’s just kind of unbelievable. He has accepted his fate but is fairly miserable.
The fiend most commonly keeps in touch with him through texting. For real. Other times he will visit his dreams or butt into his mind/make him go unconscious to talk to him if brice ignores him. nowadays he is fairly apathetic about this. he will literally just tell people about it unbothered, not caring if they believe or not.
He currently works at a Rusty's in downtown NH and lives in a shitty flat with Rats in it for sure. He literally can never get a promotion or different job or better place due to his Pact. His life is a little bit sitcom-like and he has a lot of bad luck, like stepping in puddles all the time and shit. He always looks annoyed because of this, resting bitch face. He generally just comes off unapproachable but definitely isn't.


  • He works at a grocery store. Absolutely hates it.
  • It doesn't like modern weapons like tasers, guns, etc. They freak them out a little.
  • They're naturally ginger.
  • Utterly despises fireworks.
  • For his own sanity, they write letters infrequently (more frequently when he was younger) to home/his family and keeps them all in a shoebox in case he ever gets to go back to his original timeline/world.
  • His birthday is on October 24th.
  • He smells heavily of pine from spending a lot of time in the pine forest nearby where they live when he can.
  • Considers himself a (SFW!!!) furry. Has a fully designed fursona (a wolf) that just shares his name.
  • They prefer dark colors and will never be caught wearing pinks, whites, yellows, etc.
  • His favorite food is any meat; he has a general distaste for sweet things.
  • Their voice claim is Tom DeLonge from Blink-182.
  • Created early/mid 2015, to be an antagonist to my previous protagonist-turned-antagonist, Samuel back when he was a true good-guy. He was meant to be a dramatic character since he turned out to be Samuel's uncle and was...the bad guy. He is now just vibing. They actually haven't had many big design changes over the years; I basically just mellowed out their colors & simplified him over time (+ ditching his actual wolf form).



Oliver [ friend ]
