


5 years, 3 months ago


Height 6'2" | 187cm
Gender transgender man
Pronouns he/him
Orientation gay
Original verse Monster Hunter

Finch is a positive & very energetic person. He practically lives for excitement and adrenaline and will do almost anything to get his 'fix'. He's very curious about just about everything. Contrary to popular belief, he doesn't pull all the stunts he does for attention, and he doesn't care to be in the spotlight at all. Every stupid, reckless thing he does is for himself, just to see if he can--he's confident in his abilities and very stubborn, a combination which never gets less potent, no matter how many concussions and broken bones he earns himself.

There isn't a single mean bone in Finch's body; he cares very deeply about everybody and will get really upset if he hurts or upsets somebody else, even if it was entirely an accident and the offended party isn't angry with him. He's very vocally supportive and compassionate with people he cares about, lauding their achievements much more than he does his own. He can be pretty overbearing and overwhelming to be around, especially if you ever give him even the slightest indication that you might consider him a friend--he will latch on and he will not let go. Making people laugh and helping them when they're down are two things he's very proficient at, and he never considers himself above going out of his way to enthusiastically lend a hand. Teamwork is something he's always excited about, despite how he often gets stuck on his own--he'd say that you can get up to a lot more trouble with a lot more success when you have help, and he's not too proud to ask for a hand every once in a while.

Finch's emotions are pretty much always at the forefront, and he has a very hard time toning himself down; it's not terribly difficult to tell how he's feeling at any given moment. Though he's very, very slow to anger and difficult to set off, the rare times he loses his temper or otherwise gets genuinely upset over something, he will isolate himself, often disappearing without much notice until he's cooled off. These episodes, though rare, usually entail him being much more reckless and impulsive than usual.


  • Nigh inseparable from his best friend Wiyaka; he loves her very much and there's not really anybody else that he remotely trusts as much as her, be it with having his back during a hunt or otherwise.
  • While being very proficient with hunting, tracking, and general outdoorsy know-how, outside of that, Finch is not very bright. all. Despite being curious about new things and amenable to being taught, it doesn't do much to change the fact that he is, by definiton, stupid as hell.
  • VERY squeamish around blood and guts.
  • Cares more about his hair than its scraggly, uneven, clearly self-cut appearance lets on. He never seems to learn from all the times its been caught in things, chopped off, burnt, grabbed, etc., and gets upset about it every time.
  • Miraculously, despite having a fair amount of scars, he doesn't have any lingering or serious physical issues from the amount of times he's gotten himself hurt. He is however almost completely deaf in his left ear and generally hard of hearing.
  • Absolutely hates the cold.
  • Insect glaive main. Always eager to pole vault directly into danger. Probably treats his kinsects like dogs.
  • Finch loves to eat but unfortunately he has very little qualms about what he puts in his mouth, much to the disappointment of anybody in the vicinity. Very insistant that bugs are a great food source. (NOT THE KINSECTS THOUGH I PROMISE)
  • His Palico's name is Caesar, and the furball likes getting up to trouble just as much as Finch does.

[ WIP ]