

Basic Info






?????? (Appears early 20s, possibly mid 20s)




Calm, collected, unshaken, stoic.

Current Consistent* Abnormality Managements

White Knight (TOP PRIORITY), The Knight of Despair, Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary, Big and Will be Bad Wolf (The latter two being on different days so as not to agitate the other)

Former Abnormality Managements

Funeral of the Dead Butterflies, La Luna, Plague Doctor (Second formed achieved above), Spider Bud, Punishing Bird


!! This is a fancharacter for the game, Lobotomy Corporation! If you are confused or interested on some of the terms used, please refer to the Wikia here! [Risk Level explanation] // [Abnormality Explanation] I highly encourage you to check out the game if you are interested in management games and horror/SCP based games! It's a very fun and interesting game! !!

R-1 NEUTRAL, or "RIN" is the top suppressor and management personnel of location [REDACTED], ensuring low death rates and quick suppression of enraged abnormality containment breach.Β 

Despite their name and lack of expression/emotion, they appear to be very much human. It's uncertain of their origins or personal history, and makes for a rather big topic among lower level employees. Their cool and calm demeanor even amidst White Knight and even other ALEPH level abnormalities causes many to speculate whether or not RIN is an abnormality themself.

They are highly efficient in every matter involving abnormalities, and seems to be able to even understand them well enough to at least keep them at a decent temper, or prevent them from being further agitated on a bad day. Some speculate that RIN has been trained to analyze and effectively combat abnormalities since the moment they were able to stand. Others believe that they are highly intelligent AI in a very sophisticated robotic shell. However, this has been disproved, as x-rays indicate that RIN is as human as anyone else within the facility. As for the AI matter, tricking an abnormality alone is questionable, the thought of deceiving WAW and ALEPH level abnormalities is straight up laughable. Abnormalities seem to have a keen sense to a human's very being, even those as ""mild"" as ZAYIN appear to be highly conscious of personnel within the facility, so this rumor was quickly put to rest.

Though RIN doesn't talk much to other personnel, they appear to talk, even have full on conversations, with the abnormalities that they manage, even going so far as to visit past abnormalities they were once in charge of. They seem to be particularly fond of lower risk abnormalities such as One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds, Fairy Festival and Scorched Girl, and visit these abnormalities often. Upon observation on one visit, another personnel fearfully mentioned that the Scorched Girl's flames seem to burn particularly brightly whenever RIN comes to visit, and many fear that she just might set the whole facility on fire. Many had even advised RIN subtly to stay away from her lest the facility be put at risk, though due to their high level authority, RIN simply brushes it off each time, and yet, keep the Scorched Girl's flame in check just enough.