Lysander's Comments

Jock. That's one way to describe Lysander Bickwell. Just like most canines, he tends to have quite a bit of energy that, if he uses it right, seemingly never ends. Though, he's actually quite good at holding that energy back and using it when he needs to, thus making him seem quite chill and reserved. He's a little on the quieter side but has a somewhat wide friend group and can make friends pretty easily, although his large, muscular frame may make him seem intimidating. He uses that to his advantage, though, and would rather scare off anyone with nasty intent before he even thinks about really hurting someone.

He can be a little snarky at times, and doesn't mind keeping to himself if his close friends aren't nearby.

He's a pretty athletic canine, as most would assume, with lean, hard muscles hidden under all that fluff. That leads into one of his most hated enemies: the sun. While he doesn't mind a nice, sunny day every once in a while, he tends to overheat much, much faster than a less fluffy animal might. But that won't stop him from taking advantage of nice weather to go for a run. Working out is definitely a hobby of his, and he especially loves to use it to let off some steam or clear his mind when he gets stressed out.

Aside from his love of snarky comments and indulging in drama - he likes to listen to it, not be part of it thank you very much - he can actually be pretty nice. It's rumoured he gives some of the best hugs.

(ahh, i hope i didn't write too much! his design is really cute!)

Winner! Sending.

Thank you so much!

Name: Sycamore

Position: Record Label CEO

Sycamore would have a place in my story alongside Akifumi is a launchpad music creator, and he'd be working for Sycamore as part of his contract. I want to establish a friendship between them, and think that with some slight design altercation I can make this really work! He'd have a part in both physically drawn and written story. I am also searching for a love interest for Akifumi and this one really piqued my interest!