Aaron (OLD BIO)



Name: Arin
Nickname(s): ^^^
Gender: Male
Species: Demon
Sexuality: I?? Love you??
Birthday: February 14th!
Personality: He’s kinda shy but he gets excited easily!!
-Friend(s): Scribby, Sammi, Hearty, maybe Maddie, and Poki.
-Hearty probably has a crush on him idk
Likes: Reading, admiring people.
Dislikes: Getting called out, accidentally zoning out.
Residence: Scribblesville
Other Info: I might make him work for Scribbly, as like a assistant or something (like how Poki is). Worth is 250 points or 2.50 USD, though I’m probably not going to sell him off anytime soon.
Fun Fact: A really cool and good person designed him 💜
Theme(s): https://open.spotify.com/track/7adO4N6j4ZirY9rfJiyriF?si=m1KzVqfzTxGNap4CA3JlvA