Elodie's Comments

Hi i would like to know if she's still available 

Hi there, I'm actually not going to sell her at the moment but I can ping you if I decide to part with her! 

Would appreciate it, thank you !

Hi there, if you're still interested then I'm selling her for $110!

I do be interested in buying her !

Sweet! Can you send payment to x ! :D 

2 Replies

Is she up for sale?

She is! <3

What's the lowest you'd take for her?

I'm only selling for full resale ! 

Oh I see, I don't get paid until 2 weeks so I'd have to wait until then. If she's still available by then, I'd be up for purchasing her.

Sounds good! Don't hesitate to reach out if you're still interested by then ^o^ 

1 Replies

I'd love to buy if she's still available!! ;w; 

All yours hun! ^o^
I'll go ahead and message you my paypal now <3