
Name: Ludra

Age: is an adult (unknown)

Height: usually 5’5 but can make herself taller/shorter

Race: A mixed bat/demon slime hybrid (Mom is a slime demon/Dad is a bat) 

Skin: Green

Eyes: Yellow/Fushia

Hair: Turquoise 

Other characteristics: Horns on head,Horn on chest,mouth on her stomach,long claws on both hands/feet

Family: Jackson (brother),mother (unknown),father (unknown)

S/O: None


◾️Does not need to eat,but the mouth on her stomach demands food constantly. (Primarily raw fish)

◾️Likes to be a tease both sexually and playfully.

◾️The mouth on her stomach is named Munchy.

◾️Loves being naked but will occasionally wear clothes all though revealing.


◾️ Being in the sun for long periods of time

◾️People who feed her Munchy without asking

◾️Dragon fruit

◾️Absolute silence

Overall she’s pretty chill and is always horny.