


8 years, 2 months ago


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Kalhor is a small creature who lives along the mountain range of {a place}. An elusive creature that has deadly sharp claws used to rend rocks apart like butter so she can dig up gemstones and crystals - which she then eats. The mountainside is often snowy and uncomfortable but her thick, insulated, fur keeps her warm and content and she always seems to know where she's going. 

Villages along the mountain's base and top consider seeing 'the Kalhor' a sign of good luck and fortune - for she has also been known to lead people who are lost in blizzards to safety or right the paths of those travlers who got lost. Several individuals are trying to dedicate some study to her; but it seems she is not easily located on her own. 

The crystals growing from her shoulders will continue to grow in size as she ages - and they often glow to reflect her mood.