


5 years, 2 months ago













Veterinarian Assistant


Neutral Good










Leon is a veterinarian assistant currently going to college to become a fully certified vet. He lives in a fairly large city with his twin brother Logan. He dreams of being able to move to another country to help in wildlife conservation efforts. However with current events going on in his life, that dream seems to be slipping further away by the day.



Leon grew up in a country town with his parents and brother. His mother a nurse with a passion for caring for others, his father a construction worker that loved building things on the weekend with his sons. Logan, his twin, a self prolaimed artist and after the age of eleven, a meta-human.

His early life was full of playing with other kids in local fields and creeks. Making believe and looking for frogs in the muddy banks. He always preferred the frog catching. Constantly asking his parents if he could keep one even though his mother was deathly afraid of the things, especially the warty ones. Eventually managing to convince them to buy a cute colorful frog from the local pet store because he managed to keep his grades high.

Unfortunately this easy life wouldn't last forever. Shortly he and Logan turned eleven years old it was discovered that Logan was a meta-human. He and his parents learned to accept it fairly easily. Their community, not so much. Friends and extended family cut off contact with them after learning Logan wouldn't be being sent elsewhere. School became miserable. Leon was still accepted by his peers at first, because he showed no signs of abnormality. But defending his brother became his downfall. From physically preventing others from picking fights with the other boy and defending his normality, other students quickly turned on him as well.

High school couldn't have been over fast enough for the brothers. They transferred schools a few times but it was always the same story, different town so they just had to learn to deal with it. Though it broke their parents' hearts both the boys insisted they wanted to finish out school. They both had dreams they wanted to achieve. However after graduation, Leon was the only one to recieve college acceptance letters and benefits. Despite the fact that he and his brother had basically the same school records. It was decided not long after that he would be shipping out to the city. And Logan would be joining him.

Getting an apartment was easy... After he stopped telling potential landlords he had a brother and that the meta would be living with him. They found an apartment on a shady side of the city that had a window with easy access for Logan to climb through. It was a bit of a drive to college and his scholarship money was starting to run out. He had to find a job. Luckily he found a small vet office hiring not far from their home. At the time he hadn't intended on being a veterinarian but that quickly changed after he began working there. The place rekindling his love of animals and saving them. So he changed his major and has been working hard to achieve his dream.

Once Logan started getting in with the shady croud Leon grew concerned and there were many arguments for a time. But since no one would give his twin a shot at a job he couldn't really blame him for trying to get money from elsewhere. So long as no one was hurt. This lead to many late nights worrying about what his brother was up to and if he was alright. An uncertain future lies ahead. He hopes thing will eventually turn out for the two of them.


  • His frog's name was Ollie.
  • Stopping to try to pet feral cats is a must.
  • Patches his brother up when he gets hurt.




Twin Brother

Grew up together. They fight occasionally but in the end they're family forever. Stupid decisions or not.