


5 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


some kind of alien


Alien Husband


Hit or miss i guess his name might change huh. Also story is more of a short summary than the whole proper thing oops.

Jagx was born as the strongest of his kind, as prophesied by an old myth: Every 206 years, a king or queen would arrive to take their rightful place. Too bad his people don't even believe in tales and myths anymore. As such, he grew up just like anyone else. No privilege, no special treatment. And no way he'd ever inherit the crown. If anything, he lived most of his childhood and teenage years shunned. Teachers were at a loss with him, and no one really felt like risking a fight. He was always just following the group without being an acknowledged part of it. He never quite learned to control what they call their 'inner monster', their longing for battle and destruction, instead embracing it. One day, on one of their many paid missions to another planet, his people just never returned for him. This lead to him giving in to the urge to fight, day by day, until he completely forgot anything else. The story of the raging alien would spread far accross the galaxy, and then...

...then a totally crazy spaceship captain decided 'hey, I want this in my crew - he's amazing!'. And to the utter despair of the crew, off they went to catch Jagx. Somehow, the captain managed to tame him. And eventually, even to give Jagx his conscience back. Though it honestly didn't make him less of a violent asshole.

- physical appearance may alter depending on how he feels/how much power he uses
- after regaining his conscience, he only talks to the captain, no exceptions so far.
- he regards everyone as weak and doesn't care about anyone either. Or so he says.
- he believes he was born to kill, since his kin didn't want him around either. He claims to be ok with that.
- he likes to play with the captain. Which in case of day to day activities includes bantering and many many vulgar (empty) threats. Though only the captain is aware of that, and most crew members are immensely worried by his behavior. In case of battles, he likes to turn on his captain once the enemy is taken care of, in a sort of one-sided play fight (that looks more brutal than it is).
- he can't be killed with a shot to the head, as experienced by captain. But it will render him unconscious for a while, during which he could be.. well. Properly killed.
- like most aliens in this setting, he can fly. Not through space though, and not where there's no oxygen.
- still loses his mind sometimes, and gets angry about it because he wants to be fully aware when he brings others misery.
- killed a member of the crew before when they confronted him. Captain was not pleased at all.
- back when he still hadn't found his mind again, the captain used a weird magical(?) perfume that put him in a trance.