


5 years, 7 months ago


Name: Simon
Age: unknown (twenties)
Gender: male
Species: human
Residence: Odollam
Occupation: journalist

[unnamed parents]
[unnamed sister]

Physical appearance:
Roughly 5'10" and he's pretty lanky. Short brown hair that is usually messy. Blue eyes. Wears glasses. Typically wears things that are on the more formal side; wears vests, dress shoes, button-down shirts, dress pants.

He's extremely paranoid most of the time and stresses out about different things. He's got a lot of anxiety, but tries to not let any of it get to him. Due to all of this, he tends to look suspicious. He doesn't trust many people and tends to stay locked up in his house as a result. He means well, and is a pretty friendly guy, but he executes that poorly. He tends to stutter.

Backstory: (a little old)
He was originally from a city called Amarantos. He worked for a newspaper that was failing. The stress from it soon was apparent to those he worked with. It got to the point where family and co-workers got together to tell him that he had to move away.
Simon was sent to the peaceful town known as Odollam. They thought that a breath of fresh air would help him.
After moving to the small town, Simon found the place rather peaceful, but something didn't seem right to him. There was almost an eerie presence to the town.
Shrugging it off, Simon decided to just unpack that day and stay indoors. He never really liked doing interactions with others. He always wondered how he made it as a journalist.
The next day he was greeted with a knock at the door, and when he opened it, it was the mayor, Janice. Janice just wanted to officially greet the newcomer. He thought that she was a pretty nice woman. The two had chatted for a while before being interrupted by Janice's twin, Doc. He couldn't figure out what, but something didn't seem right about Doc. To make matters worse, as Janice and Doc were leaving, Doc had told Simon not to stick his nose in things that don't concern him. He wasn't sure what she meant, but it unsettled him.
As he got more comfortable with the town, he started to leave the house more often and would keep a small notebook with him. He wrote about his day, and would often try writing some sort of article that would maybe bring more visitors to the town.
Though, his peace didn't last for long.
A few months after he moved in, something strange started to happen. Villagers would go missing, and no one could ever find out where they went. Simon decided to investigate and was starting to draw suspicion towards Doc.
As time went on, Doc's attitude didn't really change, but it felt like she was toying with him.
He continued his searches and even tried asking Janice for her input. She would usually dodge the question or say that she has no idea what's going on. She seemed sincere when she told him that she had no idea.
Simon soon began to feel uneasy. His paranoia had kicked in again, and he was fearful about what was going to happen next. He felt as if he was being watched, and that feeling was all around him when he went through town. He only barely felt safe within his house and it went to the point where he would not leave his house.
Due to all of this, he had not gotten much sleep, and one night, he had heard a strange noise, and when he looked out the window he saw Doc dragging a villager that was either knocked out or dead. He couldn't tell due to how late it was. As she was moving, she had looked straight at the window that Simon was looking at, and then he quickly moved away from the window.
The next morning Doc had knocked on the door. When Simon answered, she told him that she's got eyes everywhere and that he better stop what he's doing now because he'll never know when he's next. Frightened by this, he slammed the door shut and Doc laughed and left.

current stuff:
Being too scared to even attempt to contact the authorities, Simon still lives in fear and still has a lack of sleep. This has caused him to become extremely paranoid and his anxiety levels have gone up.