LostSoul (species)



5 years, 4 months ago


LostSouls are a creation of Zanvak. He created them believing they'd be able to continue to hunt souls for him outside of the Deadlands, not realizing they were also bound to the land and were unable to leave. They are believed to be created from fragments of souls that Zanvak had stored up over the many years of his existence. 

LostSouls feed off of souls, and most believe when they consume a soul part of it is given to Zanvak (this only applies to souls that have been fully broken down/"digested"). LostSouls aren't overly "religious" (since Zanvak is a god of sorts to them), but most acknowledge the existence of Zanvak.
They can consume souls from almost any creature, but prefer human souls when possible (they're the easiest type to "digest"). The only type they stay away from is the ones that belong to Xeni, those souls cannot be broken down.
It's also possible for them to simply take a soul out of something and save it for later without needing to eat it right away. 

By default LostSouls are fairly loyal to their own kind, but they're not unified. They prefer to stay in small groups and don't like when someone tries to take leadership of the whole species (This became a problem when Zuno declared himself "king" and began to take over the Deadlands).
It is believed that LostSouls used to be more unified in the past and they all actively worshiped Zanvak, but that history seems to be almost wiped from existence. No LostSoul has knowledge of that far back. 

The average height for a LostSoul is 7'0", but some can be shorter (very uncommon) or taller. They're humanoid creatures that stand on two legs. They're pitch black in color and have claws on both their feet and hands. They dont have bones, but are able to harden parts of their bodies to mimic bones so they don't fall apart. Because of this they're rather flexible.
They have no defining facial features at all aside from a mouth that has sharp teeth.
They typically wear crimson red cloaks with hoods. It's supposedly to blend in with the red sky, this is said to confuse other creatures in the Deadlands and is somehow more effective than if their cloaks were a grey color to match the ground. How they get their cloaks is unknown, but it's believed they were created with them. It's very rare to see a LostSoul not wearing one. 

LostSouls have the abilities to turn their prey into LostSouls after taking their soul (this only happens if they choose not to kill the creature, which is relatively rare, but it's "common" with some humans). When someone is turned into a LostSoul, their physical appearance doesn't change (usually, there are some special cases). Their memories are also wiped, but there have been cases where some people are able to recall their past events before becoming a LostSoul, it's a very rare thing though. Aging also seems to be slowed or even halted for those turned into LostSouls.
People who are turned into LostSouls are able to leave the Deadlands, and they also possess the power to take souls. Whether or not the souls they consume go to Zanvak or not is unknown. It's also unknown if the memories that were lost can be returned to the person.

LostSouls can only be killed by other LostSouls (this includes those who are turned into LostSouls).
LostSouls are fairly intelligent creatures, and mischievous by nature. They are known to mess with their prey. But it can be easy to outsmart one if they're alone.

They don't have biological genders at all. They don't typically care what they're referred to as. The most common pronouns are he/him and they/them. She/her and it/its are still present but are uncommon. They also tend to have no interest in anything romantic.