Milan Lavellan



5 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Milan Lavellan



Gender, species

Female Elf


Dragon Age


OBS! Milan is being revamped. This page has not been updated to reflect this yet.

A Dalish elf, trained to strike quickly and silently; Milan is as efficient as she is deadly. She can also be the lovesick young girl, the one listening from the shadows, the compassionate one; fighting for a better future.

Though Milan is a generally quiet and thoughtful girl she's surprisingly tough and doesn't fear to stand up for what she believes is right. Overall she is very nice and friendly.
As Milan falls in love for the first time, she gets complete tunnel-vision for that person as well as utterly disregarding anything negative about them, completely following them blindly. This is her hugest fault. 

Physical description:
She's of average elven height but seems smaller than she is because of her slender build. She does, however, have a lot of arm and leg muscle from years of constant hard work with her two daggered fighting style. She doesn't have her right breast, as it was medically removed in her late teens because of an illness.
She's dark-skinned with a shaved head. Her natural hair is dark brown and curly. Her nose has the typical vertical elven profile with a straight, fairly vertical nose bridge.
She has the June vallaslin and a few scars marries her face.

Mother and Father, both in good health.

Significant other:

She's well-liked among her clan and didn't mind talking to the humans that they met as their clan was more tolerant than most.
Her grandmother died only a few months before the conclave incident of the same illness that forced Milan to remove her right breast. It's most likely to return in the future and will probably cause her death the same way as her grandmother. After a few years of working with the Inquisition, Milan gets a letter that tells her that the illness has stuck her mother.

Ongoing story:
It follows the game. She fell in love with Solas on sight, despite his ugly ass egg head.

Celene is empress.
She did not drink from the veil of sorrows and turned down Solas offer to remove her vallaslin.
Softened Leliana becomes divine. 

+ nature
+ animals
+ listening to Varrics stories (or stories in general)

+ the night sky
+/- She loves learning but is not a big fan of reading

+ attentive, a very good listener
+ very strong emotionally and with dealing through her feelings
- too trusting

- wear's her heart on her sleeve
- not a very good leader in the sense that she prefers to follow and has a hard time making decisions and staying firm 

* She's a mage supporter and fully believes that they should be free. Her opinion is that magic is just another tool, just like a sharp sword; you just have to use it responsibly.
* Varric's nickname for her is "Ivy", like the plant
Screenshot dump
* Inspiration/moodboard