
5 years, 3 months ago
Trade Listing
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"This guild is my family. You do not hurt my family."

Rana is part of the Gray Horn guild. It's a guild that offers people help, for things such as hunting, retrieving lost or stolen items, spying on contract and many other things. They get paid for their efforts, and this is how they live. 

Before joining the guild, Rana was a simple thief, who had to steal from the market and passerby’s and tourists to survive. Then one day, someone caught her stealing from a soldier. Yet, instead of handing her over to the soldier for punishment, this guy was impressed by her skills and invited her to join the guild and work for her money. Rana accepted, and now uses her skills mostly for hunting, retrieving lost items, spying on contract and even farm work etc. for people who need the extra help. 

Less than a year later, she realizes she has magical powers, and is able to conjure fire at will and control it. At first she hides it and tries to control it, but once she’s more proficient, she used her new powers to help her get jobs done for the guild. 

At some point, others got word of her skills and abilities, and now the guild is being targeted by soldiers and underground guilds. They refuse to give her up, and fight for her. 

profile html by Hukiolukio

Up for offer/trade. Below is a link to design styles or things I'm interested in, but feel free to offer whatever you want :)