Thuykah Vae



5 years, 7 months ago



Thuykah  (Two-Ee-Kah)


206  (Equivalent of 23)







A race similar in appearance to an Earth Moth or Butterfly, Dansivo are massive insectoid/mammals that lay eggs and drink the blood of other species.  They are a cannibalistic and war-like people which live in massive colonies located on the floating isles of their planet.  While able to utilize advanced technology the Dansivo have more interest in ‘natural magic’ – many displaying traits of telepathy or telekinesis, others able to manipulate energy or even control the minds of lesser species.


 They have little culture of their own, preferring to siphon out what they like from those they feed on.  This is largely because Dansivo follow the will of their Queen- and each Queen has had a vastly differing opinion on precisely what purpose their race should serve.  As such, they have been monsters, protectors, farmers, traders, conquerors and diplomats- but rarely in succession.  They have little interest in Alien races (save for determining if they are easily edible) but are highly adaptable.


Dansivo have no spoken language- They communicate largely by way of electrical signals through their antennae and are in fact incapable of ‘normal’ speech, instead able to only produce musical chirps and clicks.  Ironically, this has caused many Dansivo to believe that the many species they prey upon are ‘inferior’ – Only those who possess the gifts of telepathy or the patience to learn a signed or written language are generally able to communicate with other races.


Quiet, gentle and elegant, cautious and not easily trusting but caring and compassionate, something of a lost soul, often seems worn beyond her years. Can be open minded and friendly but tends to have difficulty communicating with others.



Thuykah started her life in one of the largest colonies on her home planet- groomed from her hatching as first in line to succeed her Queen-Mother whom had done a great deal to forge alliances not only with the neighboring colonies, but many of the ground dwelling species as well.  Though many of her kind are known warriors, Thuy had the gift (or some might say curse) of Empathy- and felt strongly that their race should finally move beyond its brutal existence to achieve peace- and with luck, greater prosperity.


Unfortunately as the previous Queen’s reign came to a slow end, Thuykah’s soft heart and gentle nature did not suit the whims of her more aggressive sisters, who decided to rid themselves of a problem before it began.   Unable to kill her outright, she was removed from the skies and from her people, her siblings and their Drones ensuring she would be unable to return by banishing her to the far reaches of the galaxy.



Likes - Soft music, gentle voices, shiny objects, cuddling with someone trusted, sweet scents that are particularly strong and sweets.  Has an affinity for light and crystals.

Dislikes – Aggressive people, loud noises, close contact with strangers, violence.


Additional Info:

Thuy is unable to communicate through even her traditional means due to her missing antennae which has made her deaf on her right side.  

 Similarly, though her species is generally capable of flight she possesses only two of her four wings.  She tends to convey her feelings largely through exaggerated body language, rudimentary (common galactic) sign language and written ‘Common’. 


She is however, very fond of ‘singing’ to herself and can often be found doing so.