Adrian - $50



5 years, 2 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Trade
For Offer
$40 - $50


Name: Adrian Turner

 Species: Human/Snowshoe Cat 

Age: Mid 20's

Gender: Male [FtM]

Orientation: Questioning

Height: 5'5

Weight: 140lbs [63.5kg]

Personality: Quiet, Nervous, Timid, Closed Off

Likes: Warm Tea, Naps, Sitting under Trees, Walks, Nature, Hiding, Blankets, Hoodies, Big Clothes, Snow

Dislikes: Most bodies of Water, Extremely Cold Weather, Extremely Hot Weather, Yelling, Fighting, Loud Noises, Horror Flicks

Bio: What started out as a loving relationship, turned into a science experiment gone sideways. 

Ex-Boyfriend used him as a guinea pig in a splicing experiment,  jumbling his DNA with that of their once beloved house cat; Pepper.

Though the experiment wasn't a complete failure, it was not a success either. 

Adrian sports cat-like legs, tail, and ears. His skin reacting, and adding the pattern along his arms to match.

Extra: Takes from donation bins, hates being seen in public most of the time. In fear of how people would react to him, wears baggy/big clothes to try and hide most of himself from public view. Sports a collar with the tag '001' on it, since he was the first experiment his ex pulled, and his last. It's unknown why he still wears it, and he hates being asked about it. 

He wears multiple different earrings, but is constantly changing them. 

Note: Pepper is still Alive, Pepper was taken by Adrian.