Content Warning

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

I love seeing my characters drawn but pleas keep a couple things in mind, 

  1. Pleas before you draw theme ask my promission c:, I would love to see there drawing so, so pleas show me the finished piece
  2. Pleas no NSFW
  3. Keep theme in character
  4. No gore, a bit of blood is okay (if you are not sure you can always ask through a message c:)
  5. You can draw my characters with each other or your own character c:. I  will link wich characters belong in the same world so you can look at  that if you are not sure who to draw with who.
  6. You can draw theme  with different cloths/ hairstyles, unless it says you can't on the  character page. Just keep the character in mind while drawing theme  differently ^^.
  7. Don't turn my charcters into animels (unless they are shapeshifters, that will be specified on there page)

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