


5 years, 3 months ago


Name: Azael

Gender: Male

Age: Young Adult
Birthday: February 7th

Species: Wysp
Draped (Uncommon)
Howl (Uncommon)
Phantom (Rare)

Current Job: Author (part time scrib for hire)
"I love being able to explore the universe in a new way through writing. Sometimes I even discover something about myself that I never would have known"

Height: About 3.2 inches or about 8 cms
Weight: Fluffy but graceful

Personality: wip (independent, loves originality, quiet, deep thinker, tries to always see both sides of a problem, loves to explore in off time to see all the amazing things around him, can come off as cold or insensitive but hes just bad at emotional expression, often uncompromising when it comes to his opinions and stories, aloof)

Snowy: Snowy is his older sister. Relationship wip

Quirks: Azael often has his eyes covered up by his hair. In rare occasions he'll allow Snowys friend Pixie tie it out of his face. He just feels more normal with them covered.

Dis-likes: Azael does not like being limited in what he creates or when hes stuck in a very boring environment. Also one way to get on his bad side is broken promises. Even if it's just something small it'll instantly put Azael in a bad mood.

Likes: Since most of his jobs are listening to others talk Azael really enjoys others that will listen to his stories and ideas. Though on the flip side he loves listening to how excited grottolings are about their work and being able to help it come to life. After a long day he likes to curl up in a secluded place to recharge and let his mind drift thinking up new stories.