


8 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Spark, Sparkster, Sparky, Sparkles, Sparkhetti

Theme/Fish species





Demisexual, Panromantic




He is my lovely dorky baby fish so sorry about all the inconvience he might cause

Appears:: 20 years old,

Actual Age:: 22 years old

Height:: 5'6''/1.68m

Relationship Status::Single

Personality:: Silly | Friendly | Helpful | little Dense | Reckless | very dedicated once set on a task

He isn't the brightest but he always tries his best to be helpful and fun. He loves animals a lot, the most the ones with fur as they are so soft and fluffy. He enjoys helping with everything he can (and can't too). He considers about everyone a friend until proven wrong, which might actually take quite a bit. Usually he isn't quite as much aware of dangers or problems in situations unless they are obvious to him. Same goes for double meaning of words or compliments/flirting. He is very dedicated to all he sets his mind on, and jumps in quite fast when he thinks help is needed, however forgetting his own wellbeing in the meantime making him quite reckless in those times. 

Hobbies:: He loves to collect shiny little things (mostly shards of glass) and going on 'fun adventures' with friends and sometimes even swimracing a few of them. Futhermore he has gotten quite found of taking care of animals and others. Additionally if Hugging was a hobby it would be one of his aswell.


  • He can read quite well however not too complicated stuff or big words without having to ask about the meaning of those. He can write too but his handwritting is bad.
  • Can draw but not very good. Recognizeable shapes and patterns aswell as some flowers that actually look decent are his limit on that.
  • Flawless Human Transformation: He can transform into a human for a certain period of time but he rarely ever does as there is usually no need for him to and he likes being himself.
  • Advanced Medicin:  He knows First Aid, can correct broken bones and knows how to do stitches and if needed he even can remove foreign objects in operations. He however refuses to cut or cut anyone open even for surgical reasons. 
  • Stronger Skill Related to Fish Species: His hands can produce a mucus that causes numbening of the where it touches. Even to muscular level if enough is applied. However producing that mucus is very hard for him and exhausting so he won't unless it's necessary.
  • He can accurately shoot stuff in about 200m distance with a sling shot 
  • Blubb blubb Mudder forker idk what skill Related to Fish Species 2.0 to give him


 He doesn't remember much before aimlessy racing around the ocean and having fun with various companions he had on his way here and there.
For a while he was part of a makeshift Tibumeru Pirate group which however never really did anything but sail around in their tiny nutshell of a rowboat and get into useless bantering with the frenemie of their captain, Soul. However he became good friends with his crewmates and learned quite a bit about life outside the ocean where he spend most of his time before. Thus including that furry animals infact shed. And so does he.
Somehow along the way however they disbanded and he continued his travels on alone. After about two months of travelling, and some time spend in the trustworthy friend ocean, Spark came across Parox, a quite fun and great friend to him that he learned his medical skills from, which he was quite eager and glad to learn. They spend a quite a few month together causing maybe a bit trouble and helping in their own way rather before Spark again felt the need to keep travelling on.
After some time he met Cowan, another Tibumeru he became fast friends with who taught him a lot about Human customs and even how to dance in the time they spend together.
Just a while after he left with Cowan, to go with him to a group of Tibumeru helping others, which he came to learn were called the liberation front under the command of a guy called Aime. Spark joined their medical ranks and helped out as good as he could always making sure to give his most and best of attention to those who needed it, becomming good friends and habouring a great admiration for Aime and his work along the way.

Bad Habits, or Specific Traits::

  • When nervous or stressed he starts to chew on things or himself (hand, sometimes his tail or occasionally things he had in his hand, until either they break ot he realizes there is acidic blood in his mouth.)
  • Is little air-headed and gets distracted at times by almost everything that is shiny or reflecting light well unless he is very focused like when he works medically where he forces himself to focus, this however makes him forget to take breaks or take care of himself
  • Assumes everything and everyone is friendly until it proves him wrong and yet doesn't learn
  • Is afraid of combat knifes for some reason and gets either nervous or freezes
  • He is a rather active or cuddly sleeper which is why most don't like to share sleeping spaces with him
  • He loves physical affection and contact a lot but usually not initiates them 
  • Stripes, spots and the stars on his body are bioluminescent. He can controll the intensity of the glow but not actually turn it off fully. It also acts according to his mood.

Legend::Magic. Once upon a time magic happened, no idea who, how and why but it happened. (He doesn't really care to find out too)

Theme Songs:: 

Coldplay – Speed of sound

Extra::  Can move his ears and fold them together. Usually they move according to his mood more than him deliberately moving them. His gills are under his shirt along the sides of his chest. 


Aime – Admirable and very pretty friend. Spark adores and looks up to him a lot. He trusts him to 100% to make the right choice for the good of everyone involved in the Liberation front. Also taught him how to braid his hair. 

Cowan – Very smart friend that is super amazing and knows everything. Taught Spark a lot about humans and a few more important things.

Parox – Very cool friend that taught Spark all he knows about medicin plus also a bit more fun stuff like how to creep up to someone. Naturally only for medical purpose of getting ride of the hiccups. 

Rishi – Fun friend to go treasure hunting on the beach with and also super helpful when he got problems. He enjoys his and his brothers company a lot. 

Sein – They are very excited together about glwoing Plants and their friendship is mostly based on exploring forests and finding glowing mushrooms.

Soul – Former captain of the Tibumeru Pirate group. Very cool guy that is very funny and strong. Has another very fun friend that used to follow them around but he doesn't seem to always get along with him(???).

Nayden – Former crewmate of the Tibumeru Pirate group. He liked to be given things and telling Spark what to do at times.

Void – Former crewmate of the Tibumeru Pirate group. Taught him about animals. 

Bayon -  Who???