


5 years, 3 months ago


This character is a work in progress. Information may be missing or incomplete.

Well, my real name’s Hancock, but I can’t really be introducing myself as Hand Cock to a
bunch of kids.


  • Alias Ice Boy, Frosty
  • Species Extraordinaire
  • Sex Male
  • Age 18 (GEN 3)
  • Height 180 cm (5'11)
  • Hair Color Gray
  • Eye Color Blue
  • weapon Icebound (Melee), Rime 
  • UNIT 2
  • Status Alive



Fish is a troublemaking and mischievous character. When he is among a mature crowd, his actions can seem insolent and impolite, as he likes to play tricks on people such as swiping their wallets or tying their shoelaces together. Because of this negative attention towards his childlike actions, he has grown disdainful of "proper" and "respectable" facades and is openly scornful towards people who encourage him to take on strict and demanding jobs. When he encounters people who seem uptight or can't tolerate his jokes, Fish becomes rather verbally offensive and sarcastic, mocking them and calling them goofy names. He is not good at communicating with people around his "age," so he can be quite gruff and grumpy towards them.

Despite Fish's seemingly constant disrespect towards everyone else, he really just is seeking out someone who can accept his playful actions without looking down on him. Which is why he enjoys the company of children. Luckily for him, he is able to cross into the Mainland where human children can see and hear him.

Fish is very protective of a child's innocence and likes to spend time with them. He is especially fond of the Mainland's City of Tobias, talking about how despite its awful condition, the children living there are bright and deserve to grow up without any threat of Phantom corruption due to influence from their already-corrupted parents. He visits the Mainland frequently, putting a lot of effort into keeping Phantoms out of the city. In fact, the only way Clover could get him to officially join the Mains was by agreeing to not let the children living in the City of Tobias learn about Phantoms. He makes sure to let Clover know that she could not expect him to ever prioritize being a Main over the City of Tobias, to which she half-heartedly agrees.

Because Fish is not fond of fancy and mature-like things, he does not like his real name, Hancock, and insists on being called "Fish" instead. Another reason why he prefers this name is because young children can pronounce it easier.


Fish has messy gray hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and has a very lanky and slim build.

He wears a white dress shirt with rolled up sleeves, matched with a rumpled black tie, suspenders, and thin black trousers. Over this he wears a tattered two-layer brown cloak, with blue and white markings. He also wears black fingerless gloves and goes barefoot.

A child once made him a blue friendship bracelet, but accidentally made it too large to fit onto his wrist, so he attached it to his belt. 



Fish is a water and ice summoner, but dominantly ice. When the weather is extremely warm, Fish finds it difficult to use ice. It seems that he has the ability to turn himself into water vapor and reconstruct himself nearby.

  • Some specific abilities are, but not limited to:
    • Shooting jets of ice at the enemy.
      • He can infuse his energy into his ice to make it more powerful.
    • Creating patches of ice or puddles to make the enemy slip. 
    • Freezing the enemy in large blocks of ice.
    • Manipulating the temperature of water (freeze, boil).
    • Using water in the air or water vapor to carry himself through the air quickly, giving the appearance of flight.
    • Creating certain shapes or objects with ice.
    • Manipulating the movement of water.
  • Icebound
    • Fish's tall trident can be summoned if he calls its name. It aids in magic and melee fighting.
  • Rime
    • Fish learned archery from Clover. Rime can be summoned if he calls its name. It aids in magic and ranged fighting. 
Fish has extremely advanced agility, allowing him to freerun, flip, and balance on unstable objects.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec interdum arcu. Praesent gravida congue nulla consectetur pellentesque. Maecenas laoreet ac orci non laoreet. In at nisl a nisl mollis aliquet eu eget turpis. Fusce nec mauris eget elit gravida tempor. Morbi ut lacinia sapien. Cras ac massa sed dolor faucibus mattis. Curabitur at convallis enim, vel ultricies felis. Donec eget augue vulputate, dictum turpis quis, efficitur metus. Sed feugiat consectetur magna, vel malesuada orci vehicula eget. Proin facilisis auctor feugiat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean pretium dictum dolor eu tempor. Suspendisse arcu ligula, sodales sed ex sed, feugiat imperdiet mi. Fusce vitae quam dignissim purus consequat semper id et erat. Integer ac porta felis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec interdum arcu. Praesent gravida congue nulla consectetur pellentesque. Maecenas laoreet ac orci non laoreet. In at nisl a nisl mollis aliquet eu eget turpis. Fusce nec mauris eget elit gravida tempor. Morbi ut lacinia sapien. Cras ac massa sed dolor faucibus mattis. Curabitur at convallis enim, vel ultricies felis. Donec eget augue vulputate, dictum turpis quis, efficitur metus. Sed feugiat consectetur magna, vel malesuada orci vehicula eget. Proin facilisis auctor feugiat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean pretium dictum dolor eu tempor. Suspendisse arcu ligula, sodales sed ex sed, feugiat imperdiet mi. Fusce vitae quam dignissim purus consequat semper id et erat. Integer ac porta felis.


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