


5 years, 4 months ago


"Are you gonna be like your father was and his father was,
Do you have to carry what they've handed down?"


Cobraheart is the son of a mighty leader, his biggest rival for the position of the successor is his brother.
He is a fairly unpleasant tom: smart, arrogant, easily provoked and rather violent if he is. In line with his clan's traditions, he believes she-cats to be second-class warriors better suited for having kits and hunting for their clanmates than fighting and making decisions.
He likes to pick on cats that are lower on the food chain and greatly enjoys every fight he can get himself into - mostly because he knows he usually wins.
Cobraheart puts a lot of pressure on himself to always give everything his best - and if he's not on top, his best wasn't good enough. The complicated relationship with his brother forced him to be aware of everything he does, always making sure he's not vulnerable to an attack.
Surprisingly, the young warrior values loyalty above all else and would rather be killed than betray those who trust him, no matter how much easier his life would get. The reason he tries so hard to be leader is that he honestly believes to be the best candidate and that his brother would destroy everything the clans has built, should he get the chance.


He is a sleek, well-trained tom with straight, black fur, red patches on his shoulders, back and face and white fur that stretches from his belly up to his chin where it looks almost yellow. He has long, pointy fangs and piercing, yellow eyes.


  •  His father is Finchstar, leader of LightningClan
  •  He secretly wishes his family was still as close as they used to be
  •  He is a very emotional cat, especially when it comes to anger
  •  He chose an apprentice that hated him as his mate, just to spite her and another clanmate he dislikes
  •  His fur is very straight and shiny, like the skin of a snake


  •  Being superior to others
  •  Giving orders
  •  Training
  •  Jumping through the trees
  •  Mice


  •  Squirrel
  •  Disrespect towards him or the clan
  •  Cowardence
  •  Betrayal
  •  Cats that don't accept responsibility






Warrior Cats


~12 months








jr. Warrior














short, sleek
















Early Life

Cobrakit was born second in a litter of three, alongside the firstborn son Eaglekit and his sister Lightkit.
He was a wild tom, always urging his siblings to play and asking his parents questions about anything that entered his mind. Due to his father Finchstar's many duties, he spent most of his time with his brother, sister and mother, Suntail, and quickly became quite the troublemaker.
However, the happiness was quick to fade.
Unbeknowenst to Finchstar, their mother had carried a disease that took hold within the kits' second moon. Cobraheart was not as strong as his brother, but still able to handle it better than his sister Lightkit. Within the moon, life had completely left her and while Eaglekit stayed by his dying sister's side, Cobrakit would wheeze in his nest, trying to shut out the sadness and anger that rushed through his body. Sure, she would go to StarClan - but how did that help Cobrakit? She was still gone!
Finchstar didn't exactly help any of them deal with Lightkit's death, unleashing his angers on his mate who herself had become grief-struck and submissive, following her only daughters demise.


With his father's leadership and training, Cobrapaw had already adapted his attitude of superiority to anyone else - especially she-cats, who just couldn't do anything right.
While Eaglepaw's reserved and watchful demeaner helped him adapt to whatever it was Finchstar wanted, Cobrapaw seemed to hit walls wherever he turned. First he was too reckless, then came too mouthy, too angry, too opinionated, too questioning...just too little like his father. Finchstar would come up with new ways to punish his sons every time one of them screwed up, which would usually end up being Cobrapaw. While Eaglepaw caught on quickly and learned to act his way through his father's wishes and how him exactly what it was he wanted, Cobrapaw for a long time refused to just play the good son, no matter how many nights he was forced to stay awake to 'listen to his mistakes', as his father called it.
With every mistake, every emotion being made out to be a shame, unforgiveable in nature and unworthy of the leader title, Cobrapaw would give his everything to avoid making them. He surpressed all his anger, all his bitterness and sadness to smoothen the path to his father and trained as hard as physically possible to succeed at everything that was asked of him.

Being leader was his highest goal - to succed his father and better him, to be respected and valued by the clan, keeping them safe and strong, to have a family with a mate that supported him like Suntail would always support Finchstar in whatever he said or did and, of course, to have and train the bravest, smartest kits of them all. The perfect family. A family his father would be proud of.
Of course, everything that stood in his way...would have to be removed.

Becoming Cobraheart

By the time he was ripe to become a warrior, his attitude and personality seemed to have changed completely.
In front of the clan, Cobrapaw and his brother were the perfect sons to Finchstar, respectful, hardworking, honest and loyal, always fighting for the clan, their father and of course each other, all the while entertaining a healthy rivalry.
Now of course, everything was a lie.
The relationship with his father was distant at best, the opposite of honest and despite the anger Cobrapaw harbored against his father, he was still seeking to raise his reputation with his father and clanmates - after all, not only Finchstar and deputy Martenpelt would be the ones to choose the next leader, as general likeableness within the clan counted almost as much.
His brother Eaglepaw had long seazed their somewhat close relationship, it wasn't as much a healthy rivalry as it was a private deathmatch between the two, as both of them wanted nothing more than to be leader, but knew the other one would do whatever they could to stop them. And so they never talked honestly with each other, except when they were making fun of clanmates they both thought to be worthless or simply too problematic. In those rare moment where it always seems like they are brothers again, Cobrapaw finds himself thinking back to how they used to play together as kits, though barely remembering their sister as a personality, but more as something that was taken from him.

But the biggest lie was Cobrapaw himself. All the faking of emotions and surpressing of others had led to him just being simply unable to cope with what he was feeling. Already being quite an emotional tom, Cobrapaw developed a severe anger problem that would slowly swell up through time and then cause him to snap when provoked enough, flying into rages he couldn't almost remember in their entirety. When Cobrapaw lost control like that, it was entirely possible for him to do things he would later come to regret, but still justify his behaviour to himself to keep the guilt away like he does everything else.
He's not honest, calm, collected, respecting of everyone from senior warrior down to the apprentices, patient or any of the things he pretends to be for his clan. Instead he's hotheaded, sarcastic, arrogant, he enjoys fighting and using his privileges to get his way and values she-cats and their duties about as much as one would value the dirt between one's claws. When it was time to become a warrior, he was given the name Cobraheart for his bravery and loyalty, two characteristics he embodied to a fault and the only part of himself he didn't have to carefully act to please his father.

Of course, in the same breath, he took Mintpaw as his mate - a rebellious, mouthy she-cat well-known for despising Cobraheart and his brother, but also to be the only friend of Spiderpaw, another apprentice and a tom Cobraheart found absolutely repulsive. Becoming mates with his one friend in the clan combined with Eaglepaw, who had now become Eagleshade, choosing Rowanpaw as his mate, who was Spiderpaw's sister, he felt like he had enacted the perfect little revenge on the scrawny disappointment of a tom. Maybe he would even leave the clan?
Of course Mintpaw was disgusted by what he did and vowed to not only never have his kits, but to fight him every step of the way for what he did to her and Spiderpaw, which greatly angered Cobraheart but also left him no possible path of action - she had just become his mate after all, he could harm her now, could he?
But still, Cobraheart was satisfied by the pain he had caused and since he was now a warrior, he had come a big step closer to becoming leader.









Mintpaw (formally)


Eagleshade brother


Cobraheart and Eagleshade have a very complicated relationship.
The tension between the two mostly stems from their equally deep desire to become their clan's next leader, and their willingness to eliminate whatever obstacles they may face - including each other. With both of them having been raised by Finchstar and forced to hide most of their true identities, they never got into the habit of talking honestly with each other and whatever playful and caring relationship they may have had as kits got lost along the way.
However Cobraheart still harbors some love for his brother, even though he would never tell him, after all they went through the same things together - the loss of their sister, their father's harsh training, the pressure of always having to perform - but Eagleshade's cold exterior and extreme views keep Cobraheart from acting on it.

mate Mintpaw

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Aliquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac, scelerisque tincidunt magna. Nulla et consectetur diam. Aliquam ipsum mi, tristique sed vestibulum ac, aliquet eget magna. Aliquam quis fringilla erat. Morbi sollicitudin id lorem eu efficitur. Mauris varius id magna vitae ullamcorper.


Spiderpaw clanmate


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Aliquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac, scelerisque tincidunt magna. Nulla et consectetur diam. Aliquam ipsum mi, tristique sed vestibulum ac, aliquet eget magna. Aliquam quis fringilla erat. Morbi sollicitudin id lorem eu efficitur. Mauris varius id magna vitae ullamcorper.

Gender Male
Rank jr. Warrior
Affiliation LightningClan
Kit Cobrakit
Apprentice Cobrapaw
Warrior Cobraheart
Mentor Sparrowstripe
Apprentices -