
Age: 32

Height: 5'4

Weight: 165 (chubby tummy, pear shape figure)

Sexuality: Bisexual 

Occupation: owner of and head baker for Lucky Foot Cafe, a small bakery that serves a small range of coffee and tea drinks, sandwiches, and assorted pastries

Bianca is very sweet and maternal by nature, fairly quiet, and loves baking sweet things and seeing customers happily eating them.

She can also be an unexpectedly shrewd and cunning businesswoman, using whatever means she has available to make money and secure her business, which is part of why Lucky Foot gained traction so quickly in her area despite being such a small cafe. And as sweet as she is, Bianca can easily be salty towards anyone who tries to push her around or be rude to her staff.

Currently, due to the high demand of running her cafe, Bianca is single and not looking for a serious romantic relationship. However, she is open to friends-with-benefits arrangements and/or casual flings (if the mood strikes her). Her only casual-sex setup so far is with her moody African-dog barista, Rhett, who behaves considerably better when she threatens to withhold his after-hours "reward" if he's rude to the customers.