


8 years, 27 days ago


Evnys Aonasi

Nickname | Evy
Species | Poseid
Age/Birthday | 119 / December 29th
Gender | Female (she/her)
Sexual Orientation | Straight
Occupation | Councilmember
Theme Song | TBD
Faction | Krykin Government

Myers-Briggs type | INTJ
Alignment | Lawful Good





Height: 6'0"  | Weight: 181 lbs.


Evnys is an octopoid poseid without legs, but like the rest of her kind, she has eight appendages.
The upper half of her body has more humanoid arms and is a pale grey hue. The lower half is a
dark grey, with six long and thin appendages that can grab and suction to things.

Her hair is long, wavy and black, and is normally fashioned into a messy bun. She has six
iridescent eyes (one of which is on her chest), and due to a nonlethal defect, her mouth is
underneath her chin.

There are multiple bioluminescent spots on Evnys' body. The suckers on her arms, her freckles,
and her eyes all emit a glow that reflects the full spectrum of color.



paralyzing toxin

When Evnys is under duress or strain, a toxin is secreted from her lower arms. When touching
any creature, she can paralyze them for long enough to escape.


The natural colors and flashing spots on her body can daze most creatures with a neurological
system. This effect is tripled by looking into her eyes.



succinct | distant | sanctimonious | calculative | asocial


It's difficult to pin down Evnys' personality, as she intentionally keeps most of it
hidden behind mystique and her significant social status. She's not hateful of other
individuals nor does she despise connections, she just sees them as extraneous and
prefers to focus on her own endeavors. When she DOES speak to people, it is normally
in a very deprecating way.

Despite her cold and expressionless exterior, she has a great admiration and love for her
planet, which is why she chose the path of a councilmember.

This dedication is rarely shown to people, but it does happen.


human wheelchairsbad food
ceremonial bladesignorance
scarves and shawlshumans



The same way most Poseid lives start, after emerging from their egg casing Evnys wiggled away from her brothers and sisters to
fend for herself in the ocean. After keeping away from predators
and growing strong, she managed to travel to the center for knowledge on their planet.

She found a small cavern to call home as she returned day after day to hone her
intellect. It was here where she met Charluz, another adolescent Poseid in search
of knowledge. They became each others' first true friend.

Reproduction in the Poseid culture is much more casual than human
customs, which was why it wasn't unusual for the two to breed together. Evnys had
a full clutch of children with Charluz, and after they hatched and moved on they
continued to be good friends. but nothing more.

After studying for another decade, Evnys felt comfortable to venture out with her
friend to the capitol of the planet. They were novices, so they got low-level
positions as assistants for some of the council members. It was a long
toil, but eventually their bosses passed away, passing their jobs on to them.

Evyns wasn't aware of how draining the job truly was, so as the years went on she
became more and more distant and introspective. Charluz became distant as well. And
without her friend, she became so detached from words she became selectively mute.

Serving Krykin and its citizens still means a great deal to Evnys, but she is a deeply
jaded person who only now finds joy in light cruelty.



Charluz: Her former mate, the father of her children, and still somewhat of
her object of affection.

extra bits

-When on a non-oceanic planet with high gravity, Evnys needs to get around
using a wheelchair.
-The eye in the middle of her forehead can be hidden through camouflage
-Has leucistic coloration on the upper half of her body. (Normally, her skin would be
entirely jet black.)



STR || ✔✔✔✔✔▯▯▯▯▯ || DEX || ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔▯▯▯ 
CON || ✔✔✔✔▯▯▯▯▯▯ || INT || ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔▯▯ 
WIS || ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔▯ || CHA || ✔✔✔▯▯▯▯▯▯▯

Character and story ©Nefepants. Please do not copy, edit, or redistribute.