Artur Golovkin



5 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Artur Golovkin (Ar-toor Gol-ov-keen)


Art, Arty




Cis Male



Artur is a rather silly and clumsy man, often joking around and doing what he can to have a good time and to keep spirits up! He enjoys talking to friends and making pals, however sometimes he doesn't think before doing things and it wouldn't be uncommon for him to somehow get himself into trouble.


As a child and as an adult Artur and his sister were very close, always being there for the other and helping each other out. His father wasn't really there much during his childhood, he'd go out and drink a lot and gamble so him and his sister relied mostly on their mother. As Artur grew up his father worked towards recovery and tried to be there for his family, however they never really did have a close bond.

As an adult Artur hopped from one job to another, his last job in Russia was working at a supermarket where he made several friends and had a good laugh, he found he enjoyed his work there and had good company. That was also where he met and fell in love with his ex-girlfriend. Eventually the two started dating and it all seemed fine and great, however not that long after his girlfriends true colours began to show. She was a very manipulative and controlling woman. She'd use Artur for her own gains and if he didn't co-operate she'd scream, hit, and threaten him. During this time he had distanced himself from his friends and family, not wanting to let on anything was happening. This abusive relationship quickly broke him down, sometimes to get away from his girlfriend he'd stay out all night, sometimes while out he'd drink to escape what was happening and sometimes he'd ask to stay at a friends or his sisters. This continued for the longest time until one night he was at his sisters he broke down, telling her all that had happened and what's happening, just asking her for help as he couldn't take it any more. In the end they sorted things out and Artur managed to get out the relationship. Not long after the relationship had ended he decided to move away to try and start a-new and to try to recover from what had happened.

Now living in Scotland, Artur has been working towards recovery. At first he had a rocky start but now he's been able to back on his feet and give himself meaning again, he works as a local mail man.
He still writes and keeps in touch with his family and friends, and has made new friends, too.


Likes: Going for walks, reading, socialising, people that are easy and good to talk to and that he can have a good laugh with, winter
Dislikes: Arguing, people raising their voice at him, days that are just TOO HOT

Strengths: He is physically strong, he speaks both russian and english very fluently, he's not easy to embarrass
Weaknesses: He can't do things that absolutely need a careful hand as his hands are rather shaky, he can be too brash which can cause conflicts


  • Despite disliking arguments he can be rather fast to get himself involved in arguments, particularly if it's to defend someone or something to believe in
  • He believes he has a good set of morals (and he does)
  • His hands are very shaky, this isn't due to nerves or anything his hands are just very shaky. If he were to hold his hand out in front of him it would be clearly visible that it's extremely shaky.
  • He LOVES dogs and wants to have a pet dog