


5 years, 4 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
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Name Taraura
Designer Superior9500
Gender Female
ObtainedBought from designer for 160$
Significant Other None
Rules May gift, trade, or resell
Species Minor Deity

RoleGoddess of dignity


  • Horns/wings/ect additions are always optional and just depend on her mood and how much she wants to (or does not want to) blend in. 
  • Original page

Taraura is a bitter, often vain-seeming goddess who seems more interested in herself than anyone else. While she prides herself on presenting as regally and beautifully as possible, she is still considered a benevolent god and generally speaking- wants to help people come across as well respected. She never originally wanted this job (it was much easier on her part just being a demon and doing nothing but breaking hearts left and right); but it's one she's come to accept as hers. 

She can get easily huffy and gets her feelings hurt easily, but truthfully- it's mostly just her being a drama queen. She tends to be all bark and no bite and more than likely she won't actually engage in any real fight that wasn't entirely necessary for the safety of others. 

While she is focused on her own appearance and presentation, she 


  • The sword she carries is the sword of her former lover. A gift that was bestowed upon her; but in actuality a cursed blade that would bind her to her new rules. She is extremely conflicted towards it, both feeling a need to care and adore it, while also spiting it for the predicament it's trapped her in. 
  • She loves serpents and reptiles
  • She is distrustful towards men after her former partner broke her heart. She understands all men are not like him- but it left a naturally bitter taste in her mouth towards forming a personal/deep relationship with one. If she were to love again, it would more likely be with a woman partner. 

Taraura is a former demon queen. A loyal servant to the dark gods who ruled the worlds of Isethef. She was hate filled, and saw love as a terrible curse on the world- abusing lust to destroy and rip loved ones apart. Until, of course, she fell under the curse of love herself. She fell deeply in love with a mortal man and he forced her to give up her demonic nature, purifying her powerful spirit to serve the benevolent gods in order for him to love her in return. 

However, it was a trick. He did not love her- and never would, and after 'purging' the demon from the world, he shattered her heart. She is trapped as a benevolent goddess by binding oath, and does do her duty and job- quite well, but she is very bitter and resentful over it and others. She is especially angry towards love and its role in the world. "How undignified."

She comes across as strict and uppity, easily offended and vengeful to every extent she may be in her new position. She has given up all hope in finding love in the world...though secretly she yearns for it


  • Chocolate
  • Being left alone
  • Looking her best
  • Mirrors

  • The concept of love
  • Mess and mud
  • Feeling trapped
  • Having to help others (possibly. She pretends she doesn't like it, anyway.)

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.