Sadie Seung



5 years, 3 months ago


Sadie Seung
Short subtitle.

Human (Korean)
Band role
The Mundane

Sadie is the singer of Thot Topic, an eclectic rock band who secretly made a deal with the fairy king for fame and fortune-- in return for slaying seven powerful demons.

Sadie likes music and hates video games. She’s gullible, awkward, and incredibly kind. She sees the good in everyone. Her favorite bands are Kittie, Bon Jovi, Linkin Park, and Three Days Grace. Her one vice is Monster Energy.

world's sweetest metalhead

Kind of gullible, nervous, pretty awkward. The only time she feels truly confident is when she sings, or hacks at people with her sword. Sadie is very kind, but can be a bit of a pushover. She tends towards obliviousness-- not towards other people's feelings, but their actions or intent. She always wants to be nice to people, and tends to see the good in everyone, even when it may not actually be there.

Charm: +2
Cool: +2
Sharp: +1
Tough: +2
Magic: -1
Optimism: +∞

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what do women like? swords?


A black, gothic-looking sword that can be glamoured into a bat-shaped keychain. Sadie has turned the keychain into a pendant.


No longer in Sadie's possession; rightfully belongs to Oberon Rex of the Summer Court. Arthur is a living sword with a bronze blade engraved with glyphs and a scarlet grip.

Horse Potion (x4)

Four single-use potions in tall black cans. Turns the drinker into a horse.


  • aura glasses
  • phone
  • eyeliner
  • cartoon printed bandages
  • granola bars
  • Monster Energy Lo-Carb
Manip; Investigate; AUP; Help; RABS; KSA; Protect; UM

Oops! The Mundane

If you want to stumble across something important, tell the Keeper. You will find something important and useful, although not necessarily related to your immediate problems.

The Power of Heart The Mundane

When fighting a monster, if you help someone, don’t roll with Cool. You automatically help as though you’d rolled a 10.

What Could Go Wrong? The Mundane

Whenever you charge into immediate danger without hedging your bets, hold 2. You may spend your hold to: Inflict +1 harm. / Reduce someone’s harm suffered by 1. / Take +2 forward on an Act Under Pressure roll.

Bohemian Rhapsody The Star

You play an inspiring anthem for your team. +1 to everyone going forward as long as you are in your current location or venue.

Sleep Now in the Fire The Star

Use Charm instead of Sharp to investigate a mystery.

Short subtitle.


Sadie lives in Detroit, Michigan. She grew up with her two very nerdy and cheerful parents, and her hockey-playing older brother Kevin. She got into alternative music in middle school and has never looked back, even though a lot of people used to pick on her for the way she dressed. Sadie found a fairly welcoming community online (her username was xXSadieSavageXx). At age thirteen, she knew that she wanted to sing in a band more than anything, but had no luck getting anything together in Detroit. She moved to California to try and get something together there, supporting herself as the resident goth gf at the local GameStop, even though she'd tell anyone who'd listen that she's metal, not goth, and doesn't even play video games.

Thot Topic

Donec porttitor, nulla eget gravida consequat, ligula tellus condimentum augue, eu auctor odio lorem eu risus. Morbi eu turpis ac orci commodo cursus cursus sit amet velit. Aenean in nunc at nunc malesuada laoreet. Aliquam mattis ornare felis, a mollis neque gravida eget. Maecenas sagittis non ante ut placerat.

Aenean eget nisi finibus sapien iaculis maximus. Curabitur sit amet porta quam. Integer orci nibh, eleifend et tellus ullamcorper, consectetur tempus ex. Vestibulum porttitor, ex in semper condimentum, neque lectus accumsan velit, sed feugiat eros enim eu leo. Duis finibus pellentesque orci, vitae vehicula lacus aliquet in.


Vulputate elit sit amet dui bibendum scelerisque. Mauris lacinia erat imperdiet eros gravida varius. Curabitur efficitur dignissim eros id ullamcorper. Curabitur placerat maximus dui vitae cursus. Pellentesque molestie leo sit amet risus luctus, vel sagittis arcu tincidunt. Cras aliquet condimentum elit in iaculis. Phasellus et felis sit amet eros luctus euismod eu non lacus.

Short subtitle.



Your character's thoughts here!

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Duis sollicitudin vestibulum risus. Nunc semper purus orci, id facilisis libero semper et. Nunc commodo risus odio, ac porta ante tincidunt at. Morbi volutpat id metus a consectetur.



There's automated height so it can be as short as you want!

Since the boxes are small though, I recommanded abount three paragraphs max? For easy reading!



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla pretium tempor lectus, sed vestibulum felis finibus non.

Duis sollicitudin vestibulum risus. Nunc semper purus orci, id facilisis libero semper et.

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