


5 years, 3 months ago


The Abomination

Age ancient
Pronouns they
Species Angel, fallen
Mix here
Aes here
Height 4'9"

Rosier is kind of an angel, and kind of not. They definitely used to be one, at least, before being dragged down to Hell by the demon lord Asmodai. They went in kicking and screaming, and pretty much everyone expected that was the end of Rosier. But eventually, they came back out, with a whole new look, set of morals, and boss. As Asmodai’s favorite pet, they’ve been charged with the task of finding Wormwood and bringing it to him, and they would do anything to please their beloved infernal master.


Rosier is............. a lot. Very little is known about what they were like as a member of the angelic host, but nowadays, they are, suffice to say, an absolute creep.

They're violent, conniving, cruel, and volatile. Their manner might trick you into thinking they're merely impish, but make no mistake. Rosier is not someone you ever want to mess with. They enjoy putting on a flirty, even lascivious air to lure in targets-- well, it may not be a total air. Rosier does seem like a total nympho. At the very least, seduction seems to be a favorite tool of theirs, though with Rosier, what starts with flirtation most often ends with disembowelment.

Rosier is like a cat that likes to toy with their prey. They're like any number of lady insects who like to have a snack after a good time.

They're hedonistic, and like to make a big show of talking about "pleasure" and "gratification" being the only things that matter, to the point of giving up any free will in order to serve their infernal master, Asmodai.

One would think that such a determination to mindlessly serve anyone would result in a personality-devoid, robotic creature, but Rosier certainly seems to have a character of their own. Asmodai isn't creative enough to come up with them; it truly does look like they are choosing to obey him, rather than doing so under coercion or brainwashing. However, Rosier is so unbalanced, and clearly structurally damaged by their ordeal of converting to the underground, that it's unwise to asssume that, somewhere, deep inside, there is not still a remnant of an angel, screaming to be set free, or put out of its misery.

  • Honeypot: Rosier is a sexually charged being. Seduction is often a great carrot, if they want to have some fun before dinner. A hypnotic gaze helps with this if their natural charms aren't enough.
  • Infernal Powers: Rosier can shift between 3 main forms, although their "trueform" can't hold up for long on the mortal plane. They're a natural-born (if messy) killer, inhumanly strong, invulnerable to mortal weapons, and capable of manifesting various substances as well as producing glamours.
  • Angelic Stock: Because Rosier isn't a true demon, they retain a few perks from Heaven (wings not included). Unlike true demons, they're resistant to sanctified objects/places-- though not invulnerable. They're also far more powerful than the average demon.
  • Sleepwalker: As a metaphysical being, Rosier can travel though/appear in dreams and sometimes other states of altered consciousness.
  • Driven: Rosier will stop at nothing to complete a task given by Asmodai.
  • Hubris: Rosier is often smug to the point of carelessness.
  • Unholy: Though far more resistant to sanctified substances than true demons, Rosier's diabolical contamination does mean that they can be harmed by intense, pure divine energy.

  • Human: When wearing their flesh suit, Rosier appears as a petite young woman with pale skin, large blue eyes with long eyelashes, and short, slightly wavy black hair that falls into their face, usually covering one eye. They have a small chest but wider hips.
  • Halfway: When Rosier's true form starts to bleed through their flesh suit, they affect a half-form. Rosier's half-form is bipedal with two arms and two legs. Otherwise, their proportions are unsettlingly exaggerated, with too-long arms, neck, and torso. Their neck, upper thighs, and arms are wrapped in dirty bandages. Rosier's legs are vaguely deerlike in shape, but at about halfway down the thigh they appear to be coated in black latex or high-patent leather. Rosier has two small breats, but appears to have no genitalia. Their legs terminate in feet that look like rubber pointe shoes, and their hands are bandage-wrapped claws. Rosier has a prominent, ugly stitched-up wound that looks like a Y-incision from an autopsy. Their face is half-covered in shiny black leather bands and silver buckles, leaving their mouth and one eye uncovered. They have no nose or nostrils. Their mouth is wide, black-lipped, and filled with a thicket of yellowed fangs.
  • Trueform: Rosier's trueform closely resembles their half-form, with a few key differences. Their head is also crowned by a pair of glossy black horns extended upwards, seeming to grow out of the leather straps. They have three pairs of breasts and two pairs of arms. Below the waist, their body morphs ino a glossy, rubber, black centipede-like body. They have three pairs of the rubbery deer legs, which are clearly gruesomely stitched onto the body. They have many other stitch marks.

  • Always coiled like a spring. Alternates between moving smoothly and jerkily, seemingly for no reason. Expressive face, usually grinning wide.

  • Prefers to wear as little as possible; likes simple lingerie and similar.

They are absolutely devoted to Asmodai, taking immense pride in their position as his favorite pet. They would do anything to please him. He is their master and their world.

Unfortunately, Rosier's feelings aren't entirely reciprocated. They are terrified of him tiring of them.


Rosier has been tasked with finding and capturing Wormwood for Asmodai, and of course, they will do anything for their master. They themselves have a bit of a fascination with Wormwood. They see it as pathetic for falling yet not rejecting Heaven. They want to seduce it over to the other side. But they also are wildly jealous of Wormwood, because Asmodai is utterly obsessed with it. Rosier is afraid that once they turn Wormwood over to Asmodai, he'll forget all about them in favor of a new plaything. Rosier is torn between wanting to please their master by completing this task, and knowing that once they do it, they'll probably get demoted anyway.

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