[ THEO ]



5 years, 4 months ago




Created: 24/08/17
Status: Active
dA Link: click
Notes: He's boo boo the fool
Creator: peebalicious
Layout by Jayden   •   Image by peebalicious


Get out, this is my sleepin' spot.
GenderMaleHeight176cm (5'9")
BirthdayNovember 6thWeightheavy
HoroscopeScorpioFace ClaimPark Hyung Sik
OccupationFighter pilotSpeciesHuman
AlignmentChaotic NeutralRelationshipSingle

▎⤠ ❬❬ Loyal . Selfless . Sincere . Honest . Competitive ❭❭ 
– ▎⤠ ❬❬ Bad-tempered . Impulsive . Prideful . Possessive . Resentful ❭❭ 

Despite how he looks, Theo is a fiercely loyal person. he is faithful to his friends and peers, and even if he despises some of them, he would still step in to help them out and defend them in any necessary situation, regardless of the consequences. This selfless part of him may not be praised or acknowledged by many, but that doesn't stop him from continuing to do so. he is also very honest and sincere in heart, and while that can be good traits, he may rub off as blunt as he has absolutely no filter with his words. He is a bad liar, so it makes it easy for people to catch him when he's not telling the truth; he has no ill intentions or hidden desires when he's helping people out with tasks. Theo can also be very competitive with others, and that is actually a driving force for him to move on and improve.  

Most people who meet theo may know that he is bad tempered. His hotheadedness and blind rage often gets the best of him, causing him to make impulsive decisions without thinking. He is extremely sensitive and may take things personally, which eggs on his temper. He is a prideful individual, and while that can be a good thing, he finds it difficult to throw away that pride every once in a while, which makes it hard for him to admit to certain things. While Theo has no problem sharing items like food or clothes, he becomes very possessive of people that he gets close to. He is needy and clingy for attention and doesn't enjoy it when his friends are with other people, and gets jealous easily. That being said, he becomes resentful and bitter to those who he doesn't like, and has no problem throwing insults, and even punches, their way if he needs to.

 Likes & Dislikes
✔ Receiving attention   ----------------        Being told off/lectured   ✘
✔ Company                   ----------------        Vegetables                      ✘
✔ Physical contact       ----------------        Being ignored                  ✘
✔ Winning his fights     ----------------        Losing his fights             ✘
✔ Cat naps                    ----------------        Loud noises                    ✘