
5 years, 2 months ago


I'll update this soon, but for now, have a description of him that MistCat wrote.

His black leather jacket has bronze studs and zipper.

The sides of his head are shaved.

New York T-shirt

Greenish brownish yellow eyes with a pupil that can be round or slit.

Has a tattoo of the masks Melpomene and Thalia on either arm/shoulder

The quotes on either arm are from Hamlet.

Right arm says "In my heart there was a kind of fighting that would not let me sleep."

And on his left it says "Be all my sins remembered" 

Both are from Hamlet... I think... probably... most likely. 

Wonderful ideas for him that MistCat came up with:

-He's got photographic memory, he can memorize anything, but he mostly uses this to recite Shakespeare plays, his favorite is Hamlet.

-He lives in Manhattan New York.

-He loves Broadway plays and would love to be an actor.

-But he's also got like a million vendettas and enemies he needs to take care of first.

-Very coldhearted and idolizes the villains in plays more than the heroes, he can just relate to them more.

-In fact that's a big problem for him, he's always idolized the wrong people.

-He's not that smart, his plans often fail due to lack of planning and poor execution.

-But man, if he can't put on a brilliant performance on stage...