Liu Yang-Wolfgang



5 years, 4 months ago



Name: Liu Yang-Wolfgang
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 5'5" ft
Sexuality: Homosexual
Species: Nunuke-Oris

Liu is a university student majoring in kinesiology. He wants to work in health and fitness someday and finds the subject to be intriguing. Whenever he's not in school, he's also a bit of a stay-at-home spouse and will experiment with cooking on the side. He currently shares a rented house with his husband Stefan near his school.








Liu is a passive listener with a timid nature. He's not at all aggressive and will usually speak in a soft-spoken voice to express himself. He tends to get underestimated because of this, but he doesn't mind since he's very humble and isn't planning on doing anything big with his life. He'll get nervous if people expect too much from him. He doesn't want to be famous and will just enjoy the simple things.


  • bubbles
  • warm baths
  • hot cocoa
  • affection (from Stefan)


  • being neglected
  • harsh yelling
  • arrogant attitudes
  • leeches (literal and figurative)


Though Liu had been possessed at age ten, and his spirit is a naggy grandma named Edna that likes to eat apple pie, he's lived a relatively peaceful and normal life thus far. He's always known wealth for as long as he can remember, but he's not arrogant because of his priviledged upbringings.


When Liu was born, he was adopted by these two Nunuke-Oris women: Honoka and Kaori. They were both mermaid hybrids who lived underwater in a swamp. Together, they had established a famous seafood restaurant near the coastal lines of the sea, which was quite a distance away from their actual home. As the years flew by, they made millions, and so they were able to bless their son with a life full of opulence and wealth.

Liu was strictly disciplined when it came to taking care of himself and his studies. His mothers were extremely overprotective of his well-being, since their family could've been a glaring red target for so many other competitive business adversaries out there, and needed to ensure his safety at all cost. They also wanted to encourage him getting an education, since they believed that it would help him live out an easier life in the future. He wasn't even allowed to attend public school because of this, instead he would just get taught by elite private tutors.

At one point, he even got kidnapped and held for ransom by a rival food business, only to be rescued by a trained bodyguard that was actually around his age.

His name was Stefan.


Stefan would soon go on to become Liu's fiance, once he had successfully managed to save Liu's life. As much as Liu had protested against the idea at first, his parents figured that it would be for the best if Liu spent the rest of his life being shielded from other potential dangers. What better way to keep watch over him than to give him a husband who would be able to protect him at all costs? They knew that he wasn't happy about their decision, and if he still really hated the idea by the time he was eighteen, they'd consider calling the whole engagement off. They'd consider it, not actually do it, but they just wanted the best for Liu.

Also, they themselves personally didn't see anything wrong with this arranged marriage, especially since they had met through an arranged marriage that worked out really well.

Initially, Liu didn't like Stefan because he seemed too harsh and rough in demeanor. And though it wasn't intentional, he'd often ignore him because of that. In return, Stefan would retaliate and try to put Liu down in hurtful ways. He was angry that Liu wasn't even willing to give him a chance. It was a heated and iffy relationship overall.

One day, however, when Liu was sixteen, he saw Stefan break down from a great deal of stress (he was having confidence issues and didn't feel good enough about himself) and was there to help reassure him. He may have disliked Stefan during that time, but he never claimed to hate him and felt bad that he might have been the cause behind some of the self-worth problems that Stefan was experiencing. Stefan tried to tell him that it had nothing to do with Liu, but he was unconvinced. He felt really bad about the way that he had been treating Stefan this whole time and decided to try and give him another chance.

Stefan didn't like being pitified and was often trying to push Liu away, but to no avail. After a while, Liu ended up developing genuine feelings for Stefan. It wasn't anyone else that was telling him to like him, it just happened naturally. He understood if Stefan didn't want to be with him by the time they were of age, but he had hope of at least becoming friends with him.

One day, as they were drawing closer to the end of Liu's eighteenth birthday, he tried confessing to Stefan, only to be turned down. Stefan heavily believed that Liu was only trying to ask him out because he still pitied him after that one time he showed emotional vulnerability around him.

Liu actually had a bit of a meltdown after that, much to Stefan's surprise. He was stunned and also panicking over what to do to help calm him down. He didn't think that Liu thought that strongly of him and was starting to feel guilty for making him feel this way.

Stefan decided to try going out on a first date with Liu. He was originally going to let Liu discover for himself that they wouldn't be a good match and let him come to that conclusion on his own. However, Liu actually ended up enjoying the date a lot (and so did he to an extent, though he wouldn't admit it back then). Liu wanted to keep going out on more dates and Stefan agreed, thinking that he'd eventually get tired of him.

Even after Liu had turned eighteen, however, that never happened. Stefan gradually had to learn to let his guard down and actually accept the fact that Liu really was into him. He was so into Stefan that he had almost butchered his fingers trying to make him a homemade meal once. The gesture was touching enough to bring freaking tears to Stefan's eyes.

Now Liu's currently just taking life slow. He's studying as a freshman in university and majoring in kinesiology. He finds the subject intriguing and would like to eventually do something in that career field. He's also very content with being married to Stefan and hopes to continue cherishing this sort of happiness with him. All his efforts to trying to express his love for him have finally paid off.





Stefan is his husband. Since Liu is the wealthy heir to a big seafood restaurant chain, he was expected to be engaged to someone who could protect him at a young age. He’s been engaged to Stefan since they were kids. At first, he didn’t particularly like Stefan all that much and found him to be intimidating. Over time, however, he grew to actually develop real feelings for Stefan, especially after seeing some of Stefan's more softer sides. Now they're happily in this relationship together.




Honoka is his adoptive mom (or at least one of his moms). She's pretty affectionate with Liu and is more lenient with what he wants. He appreciates everything she's done for him and he couldn't have asked for a more caring parent.




Kaori is his adoptive mom (or at least one of his moms). She's always there to help guide Liu into the right path. She may not be as lenient as a parent figure, and she can be a little more strict with him, but Liu still appreciates everything she's done for him thus far.



close friend

Heidi is his childhood friend. At one point, she had a crush on him that he never returned back. He had to awkwardly turn her down, and luckily things still managed to work out between them. They met each other at a young age as playmates since their mothers were friends. They naturally hung out a lot together from there. To this day, they'll still keep in contact with each other.



close friend

Mila is his childhood friend. He got to know her through Heidi and they actually managed to hit it off and hang out often from there. He still keeps in contact with her to this day, even if they've been a bit busy with their own things lately. He'll meet up with her whenever he can since they attend the same university.




Claudio is his brother-in-law. Before he married Stefan, he was also a friend that Liu knew through Heidi and has known him since childhood. Despite some of their contrasting personality traits, Liu feels comfortable around Claudio. They get along fairly well. Liu also used to have a small crush on Claudio when they were kids, but that’s since died out a long time ago, especially now that they’re both living their own successful love lives.




Irina is like an aunt figure to Liu. She's close friends with his moms and he's seen her around a lot during family reunions. She's also Heidi's mom, so it wasn't uncommon for Liu to see her around quite a bit. He thinks that her knowledge on potions is pretty cool and is impressed by what she can do.




Liu is mutual friends with Ollie and knows her through Mila’s girlfriend Rhona. So basically, Ollie is the friend of his close friend’s girlfriend. He personally finds her a little too morbid and weird at times, but he doesn’t mind.




Liu is mutual friends with Wren and knows him through Mila’s girlfriend Rhona. So basically, Wren is the friend of his close friend’s girlfriend. Liu kind of finds Wren to be a bit scary, but doesn’t interact with him enough to really mind.




Liu is mutual friends with Rhona and knows her because his close friend Mila is dating her. He finds her a bit... strange, but she's okay.

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