
Sakana is a cherry blossom type floro sapien who lies in the upper middle class, working full time as a gallery artist. He’s hired Rose Buddy to help him with the  business end of things. Their bond as friends and business partners is very strong despite being exes. 

Sakana suffers sun deficiency through lapses in anger management and can lash out in nasty ways if he’s not aware of himself. He has dealt with sun deficiency unmedicated long enough to catch himself and attempt to hold himself back from saying and doing anything hurtful, but his stability without medication or proper sun exposure can only go so far. His emotionally charged personality is the driving force behind his main artistic tool of choice. He uses chainsaws to create his pieces. Sakana has a collection of different chain saws and will pick and choose them depending on where his anger is coming from to tear something up before or after working on it to give it his signature look of directed yet highly erratic energy.

He’s mellowed out a lot through the years and has learned to embrace his feminine nature and become open about it despite the general public eye on the matter. Despite lgbt people being normalized for them historically before unicellular intervention, floros have been heavily influenced by unicellulars’ rigid views on sex and gender. There’s a lot of internalized homophobia within the floro community, and for many years and present, Sakana wasn’t safe from it. While he still gets negative attention from it, he’s gained a supportive following and surrounds himself in the safe place that is Molly’s gang. He has become a sort of emotional support for a lot of the younger or newer members who tumble in on the grounds that he’s been aged by experience more than years and has a strong parental instinct towards those who are still learning the world around them. 

As a member of her gang, Sakana is one of the bigger financial contributors to the cause. He makes more money than anybody is sure he really does. His dedication to the cause is fueled by the years he’s had to go unmedicated due to the sky rocketed cost before he had a handsome enough income. Even now, he would barely be able to afford legal prescription without having to take a massive chunk out of his pocket that could become trouble later on.