Gwyneth Bos



5 years, 3 months ago


Name Gwyneth Bos
Species Outland Cow
Major Affinity 68% Water
Age 24
Height 5'2"
Bust M
Relationship Status Single
Occupation Computer Technician
Designer Mikomi

Class Berserker
Level 49

Gwyneth always preferred to keep to herself. Sure, she had a small group of friends, but she always preferred to stay at home and watch tv, play video games, and lazily mull about on the family computer. She was a good kid; she never got into trouble and always made good grades at school. She just never did anything terribly exciting.

That is, until she discovered LARPing.

In her freshman year of college, she became friends with a fire angel named Graciela. Grace, as she went by, was everything that Gwyneth was not. Outgoing, energetic, and charismatic, Gwyneth couldn't help but entranced by Grace's natural presence. And one thing Grace loved, aside from try to pull quiet, reserved people out of their shells, was LARPing. To her, there was nothing like donning a set of homemade armor and a level 1 cardboard sword and taking out her frustrations on a crowd of like-minded individuals in the city park. Gwyneth was averse to the whole concept at first. But she become more and more interested with each triumphant story Grace told about her conquests, that she eventually relented to giving it a try.

At first, Gwyneth stayed to the back lines, not wanting to put herself out too much. However, her enthusiasm for hobby kept growing, until she was fighting side by side with Grace, and even meticulously crafting her own gear for the peak balance between efficiency and badassery. By the time she graduated university, Gwyneth was front and center of every battle as the top Berserker of her LARPing group.

Gwyneth soon found work in the growing field of computer technology, her first love, but she still made sure to find time to join Grace in their LARPing exploits on a regular basis. Little did she know that one day the skills she learned as a make-believe Berserker would take her much farther than her college degree ever would.

Personality Attentive, Logical, Creative, Intelligent, Nervous
Relationships Graciela "Grace" Albright - Best Friend