Quiari Hendrix



5 years, 4 months ago


Intropost is Here : https://www.reddit.com/r/Devilrp/comments/a95sf5/quiari_reintroduction_quia/

Theme Song: Remind me to Forget

Name: Quiari Hendrix

Profession: Previously a Spy / Now Unemployed

Gender: Female (Probably )

Nickname/ Codename: Called Bitchy Stitches by her friend, otherwise currently is trying out a new nickname, Karma. Usually goes by Quia.

Age: 23 ?

Appearance: Her skin is a pasty white, which makes her MANY scars even more so visible. Whenever she gets too much sun, it only adds sunspots and freckles to her. Her hazel eyes seem a bit.. done with the world- not quite emotion filled or sparkling as others have them. Though occasionally they would spark up or daze around.

Her hair is long and dark and straight for the most part, curling at the edges a little- this might be because she takes the time to straighten it after showering. In it's natural state, with humidity, it poofs and curls up. Cowlick galore.

She stands at 5ft 5in, and she's great at makeup, always has eyeliner done perfectly, contouring well, and concealer galore.

It's probably hiding something.

She normally wears highraised jeans and a baggy almost crop-like hoodie, though it doesn't show skin- it still looks somewhat fashionable. She wears sunglasses whenever she's out and about- large aviator kinds, which often look too large for her face. She also likes to wear her new gloves whenever she is out, to hide the scarred up state of her hands.

Personality: She's quiet, doesn't talk unless she's spoken to. She tends to be blunt and to the point, and hides her weaknesses behind bitchyness and being rude to some extent. She won't be rude to anyone point blank, though she does pick and choose her battles, and wounds to heal. She's incredibly stubborn when there is something concerning what she wants, or what she is determined to do. Otherwise she occasionally gets incredibly shy and nervous.

She occasionally takes things a little too personally.

Likes: Reading Horror books.

Watching horror movies.

Long Runs.




Working with her hands

Hand- Eye Coordination.

Seeing others wounded, or herself being wounded.

Touching things & showing off skin.

Powers: Her ability is Transferring of Injuries. Either from herself to others, or from others to herself. She can share wounds unto multiple people so long as they all touch her, or have some sort of connection to each other as she touches one of them.

She can now transfer her wounds onto inanimate objects

Currently can transfer: Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Broken Bones

Her gloves allow :
18 segments for injury storage without afflicting herself

Very low to low slash damage injuries: take up 1 segment, covering things from paper cuts to nicks.

Moderately low to moderate slash damage injuries: take up 2 segments, including minor cuts spanning 6 inches.

Moderately high to high slash damage: take up 4 segments including deep cuts spanning about a foot in length.

Very high slash damage: take up 8 segments including very deep cuts spanning up to one and a half feet in length.

Upon exceeding 18 segments, discharges, dealing one instance of high slash damage to Quia that cannot be transferred and must recover naturally, and deals a high impact damage instance to all enemies in a 5 meter radius (can distinguish ally and enemy) to stagger them.

These cuts can be applied without needing to pass through Q. removing the gloves while still holding a damage segment results in the same high slash damage instance to Q, without the benefit of the aoe impact damage.

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Sunglasses that see other people's most recent injuries or any injuries they currently have.

Data Pick Up Range - 15 meters 

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Level 25 Upgrade:
Level 25 Evolution, quia's companion is intended to be:
(25a) Sushi: experimentally enhanced Husky Dog
1) Natural weapon: Stronger & sharper nails, can slash enemies with claws, causing bleeding out over an additional turn or two.
2) Natural weapon: Stronger & sharper Teeth, can puncture armor and flesh, weakening enemies melee attacks and strength in the process.
3) Wound transfer - cuts (minor/mid- aka nothing deep), see how Quia's powers function.
4) Wound transfer - bruises, see how Quia's powers function
5) (25b) scent tracking: can follow other scents in the trail they passed for up to 3 turns before needing to re-acquire a scent source. however Sushi can immediately find and know Quia's scent and follow to the ends of the earth without needing to reacquire the scent. Because sushi's a good dog.

Level 30 upgrade: Companion:
Sushi! ( The doggo)
2) Aura Flux- within 1 meter, can extend an aura to impart emotions that can cause disruptive or reinforcing empathic effects which were gained as a result of experimentation done on him in an attempt to create the ability to transfer mental pain/feelings and so on.
2A: Intimidation and hesitance into enemies and bystanders, slowing reaction slightly, dissuading attack through lowering attack speed.
2C: Resigned and resolute into enemies and bystanders, calming nerves, encouraging defense and lowering attack damage.
2E- desperation and determination- creates an aura of healing in an aoe as long as it is maintained, helping recover individuals from stuns and disables one turn early through sheer willpower.

When it comes to Quiari, Sushi can keep it up for much longer and without much effort. He is able to easily calm her and is the best support dog ever. He is also able to read her aura very easily and quickly.

Level 45 Upgrade: Companion Armor:

Sushi wears armor when he goes into battle, which allows- 30% physical reductions (puncture halved), 30% elemental reductions (corrosive halved).

Level 50 Ult:

3 Charges Max.

Recharge 1 Per Week.

30 Meter Range Boost from Self.

Only Take or Give Injuries as a transfer. 

Level 55

MicroBots Gifted by Qek’ Ad Looks like a Tattoo on her wrist, and forearm, can turn into a bracelet when nullifying her abilities. 

Microbots are tiny and stay on her skin and look like tattoos but would have 2 functions. 1 to assist her mobility issues with her fingers because her fingers are very scarred and damaged and she has a hard time using fine motor skills with them. 2. To record audio/video. It is waterproof.

Level 60

PowerUp for Gear - SunGlasses Upgrade Sunglasses are now able to detect living creatures from 40lb up through solid concrete wall. Sunglasses before were able to: See other people's most recent injuries or any injuries they currently have.

20meters effective range|4 feet penetrating okay?

Level 65

Sushi Power Up! Intelligence & Interpretation! Emotions and Expressions Bond which Language Cannot!

 Sushi is able to communicate via Auras, sending out and being able to read other’s auras ( posture, mannerisms of talking, tone, emotions). He’s able to send out his emotions in a 5ft radius around himself, to express himself and nearly communicate.

Level 70

Powerup for Gear - NanoBots Upgrade NanoBots are now able to be ‘cursed’ in such a way to nullify Quia’s abilities when the ‘curse’ is activated? // This or a bracelet of sorts that can nullify Quia’s abilities.

Drawback: This only has to do with the transfer of wounds. Lost blood will already be lost. The ability works by touch [unless Ult]. She cannot bring back the dead.


Knows major first aid, sewing, doctor speak, doctor handwriting and various health related facts.

Knows some personal finance and finances. Knows some hand to hand combat, more focused on agility- rather than strength.

Great at negotiation, and by negotiation I mean, forcibly taking someone's wounds.

Backstory: After being captured during one of her missions, she was locked up and tortured. She managed to escape with one other prison-mate. Though near the end of the escape, they were heavily wounded. Quia took on half of the wounds and they managed to escape out together. Quia now has many scars upon her body from both the torture and the scars she took on. Over time she has been taking the ones she does not like, away via Nurse Jody.