Lester Jeremiah Conner



5 years, 3 months ago


Lester Conner   pron: Les-tur Kahn-ar


He/ Him
57yo (birthday 31st Dec) Capricorn

Full time villain, former editor/novalist




Smog, Taunt, Fireblast and Overheat.

Extreme Regeneration/Sentient cells

Lester is, to put it lightly, vexed by his current immortal state, it makes him downright depressed and extremely cynical. While he possesses a natural charismatic personality, he's either a person you like or really hate. No in between. He rightfully has plenty of enemies, yet also seems to have companions he's loyal to. 

A man who uses his words as his weapon, he can be very stingy when he knows where to hit you. 

It's clear by the way he carries himself that he must have went through.... SOMETHING, but that's a thing of the past he prefers not to speak of.

Ongoing story

Lester is a well known villain that has been making VC unsafe for many years. Where he came from, is still very unclear. He's the real deal, a strategic genius. He doesn’t care who or what he needs to knock down to reach his goals, everyone is fair game and this also includes other villains. (Small time criminals and gangs especially.)

Known for his top dog mentality and explosive temper, but just as much of a social butterfly and prefers words over fists. Unless he feels provoked or wronged, which is actually very often…. Very prideful and vain, sweet talking will get you a long way.

Self proclaimed owner of the industrial district, which is where he currently resides in an abandoned meat factory together with his small following. While there have been rumors of his presence there, Lester rarely shows his face. Usually, it's just his boys who patrol the area, making some wonder if he's actually even around at all these days.

Bringing us to the present day, in which Lester has been operating more from behind the scenes, currently building up a small villain network as his paranoia is slowly getting the better of him.

(Important notes: Lester's power isn't KNOWN by anyone except for the ones he takes under his wing, as far as the city knows he has none, however his recklessness in battle could make one wonder…. )