


5 years, 3 months ago


Do I look like I fucking care? Get lost.

Creation Date: 

Attachment》  8 /10

Name》Yurei (Japanese for ghost)

Nickname》Ghost, bastard, Prince

Gender》 Male

Age》 Personality of a 17 year old.

Birthday》 N/A

Species》 Sukaru. More information on Tokotsu's profile.

Sexuality》 Straight.

Height》 150cm tall on hind legs.

Family》 Tokotsu (Brother) the clan leader (father)  and their deceased mother, which Yurei murdered before leaving the clan.

Friends》 What are those?

Crush/R-Status》 (not final! or canon at least-) with Skye's Spokelse, but it may just be a crackship

Fears/Phobias》 Being seen by humans, any remaining members of his clan, any human spirits.

Powers/Skills》 He can float. And bitch. In three languages.  He has a ghost-like tail that you will phase through if you touch it. This is a very rare and royal family trait, and he fucking hates it.  He, just like any Sukaru, can see spirits of dead animals and (rarely) humans. He once saw a spirit of a little girl and corrupted and destroyed it.

Personality》 Bitchy asshole, dicky poltergeist, just a horrible fuckin person tbh

Other》More information on Sukaru will be in Tokotsu's profile! https://toyhou.se/3922279.tokotsu

Yurei left his clan after murdering his mother out of hatred. He was sick of being confined to their rules, and tried breaking as many as possible moments before leaving.  He often bullied Tokotsu, but as of right now doesn't know he also left the clan and killed members of it. Tokotsu was born a few months before Yurei, but Yurei is still seen as the older brother because of his rarer traits.  Neither of them were.. respected however. Attempts were made to tame their personalities, but honestly it just made them worse. Yurei often wears bandages over his eyes to hide them, but can "see" what's around him using powers he has. He was originally going to be a warrior, but refusing to continue training and accept his skull. He thought it was rediculous how Tokotsu was so intent on getting one of his own.  He's a skilled and powerful fighter, however he usually gets too cocky and loses if outsmarted.