


8 years, 1 month ago


(Would probably be called Maroo by anyone who was close to him)

Maroosa is best described as being under the class of Chaotic Neutral. He is erratic, eccentric, arrogant, self-serving, and could care less about the rules of others. He steps to the beat of his own drum and often leaves others in the dust with his chaotic thought processes and reasoning. Maroosa thrives off of being treated like a god or king, and if anyone needs or wants something from him, he will make them beg or bow down or treat him like royalty to get it (on top of possibly paying a hefty price).

He resides over a small section of land right outside of the outlaw city, Guildan.
He has a kind of cottage/cabin type thing, and a weird old witch or hermit who lives off the beaten path sorta vibe going on.

Maroosa definitely has a reputation, but it isn't necessarily a good one. With his abilities he can grow rare and valuable herbs and plants, and can brew excellent poisons, antidotes, and medicines, making his skills a necessity as well as sought after, but he is so unpleasant that no one really wants to deal with him. Occasionally he will go into town to trade and terrorize (aka just make everyone feel uncomfortable), but fairly often people have to come to him. When people go to him for his services, he requires they bring him things--money, valuable items, things with sentimental importance, and treat him like a king or god while they're at it. If he's pleased then maybe, just maybe he'll help them out. So yeah, makes for a reputation, but definitely not the most favorable one.


Some Extra notes;
-He totes gets off on making others uncomfortable laffs
-loves gentle, harmonic music like flutes, harps, etc, as well as tinkling little tunes such as music boxes.
-he is a hOARDER. HOARDER I Tell you. His house is filled with a million random odds and ends.
-loves wind chimes


gentle side note for czylph lore translated to my world;
In my little setting their lore is very similar (as faithful as I could keep it), but a little different since I already have gods and deities in place. They are primarily the same, just with less reach/power/importance as they do in Beau's world canons.
So like less demi-deity and more just a regular species that comes into being due to mysterious reasons (thought to be a Will of the land) that happen to have a few deity-like aspects (control over nature/ecosystems around them, gained power from reputation, rebirth).