Aleina Yetval



5 years, 7 months ago


A Character I Adopted from Toast!


Name: Aleina Yetval

Gender:  Female

Age:  8.5 Sweeps (18.5 years)

Sexuality:  ???

Chumhandle/Trollhandle:  carbonUndertaker

Typing Quirk: 

begins sentences with ...

ends sentences with ...

Blood Color (for trolls): Rust 

Lusus/Gaurdian: RedWorm Mom. A Red Worm that hangs out underground for the most part.

Physical Appearance:



Aleina is a quiet troll who simply lives her life day to day. She has the psionic to see and communicate with the dead.

Positive Traits- Loyal to loved ones. Very self sustatining.

Negative Traits-  Untrusting, and stubborn.


Living with RedWorm-Mom hasnt quite been a walk in the park. It's honestly been a dig through the mud, since RedWorm-Mom just likes to eat dead bodies and decomposing things.. It's, pretty gross, but thats how Alenia manages to get a lot of the hand-me-downs. Now that she's older, she's simply taking care of a plot of land where the dead tend to be thrown to.

**Session related info**

Prototyped Sprite (optional): Rockworm.

Classpect:  Seer of Doom

Land: Land of Graphite and Lead

Lunar Sway:  Derse

Strife Specibus:  Dart Kind