Cola Cookie



5 years, 2 months ago


Cola Cookie is a very eccentric sparkling wine that thinks above all and all. She hates being annoyed and loves to walk around to show her power. Her only friend is the Red Cheerleader who updates from the gossip and writes in a book all the more controversial notes of each cookie

Special Cookie by a famous cola brand. She that slides with enough speed and throws several shines of soda on destroying obstacles

The candy give protective shields, totaling five when it reaches the maximum level

Relationships (Ohers to her)

Candle Cookie (tension)- "She... scared.... makes me... nervous..."

Mulberry Dragon Cookie (neutral)- "Another shiny... twit... There are so many these days."

Pine Cookie (neutral)- "Talks a lot. I got distracted listening to her and ran into a tree."

Charred Cookie (tension)- "...she bothers me."

Shrimp Cookie (tension) - “Relax for once... ”

Chocolate Sauce Cookie (tension) - “Pfft, be a grumpy grump then.”

Honey Cookie[WipsyWoods' version] (tension) - “I.. I know I did something wrong… I’m sorry..”

Irish Cream Cookie (tension) - "Get. Away."

Relationships (Her to others)

Comming soon