Rosalie (↪ Wardrobe)



Rosealie's Wardrobe
Physical Information

Height 135cm
Weight 30kg
Body Type slightly pudgy
Style Preference

Key Items
plastic eyes teddy bear pink frills bows and ribbons friendship bracelets
  • eyeball motifs on dresses and accessories
  • peachy pink is her favourite colour
  • tule skirts
  • warm colours
  • cats are cute too
  • dark colours - its ok if its to add a bit of movement
  • long skirts get caught on bushes
  • cool colours
Color Scheme

  • she exclusively wears pink, with a prefrence towards peach rather than magenta
  • dont forget the freckles
  • feel free to draw her in any dress, as long as it's within her aesthetic
  • eyes are optional, but she really likes them
  • colours don't have to be exact
  • no pants, only dresses
  • nothing sensual - she is a minor!