「 Chiho 」



5 years, 2 months ago


" C H I H O " // ステッチ

Nickname Chi

Age Twenty-Three

Gender Male

Species Kowaiko

Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Height 6'1

Build Slender and Tall

Skin #FEF5EC

Eyes L: #A8789D // R: #F0E4E9

Hair #F9AF91





" T R I V I A "

DoB: Unknown S.O: Pansexual
Origin: Chime [The Main City] Relationship: Nomu 「 boyfriend 」
MBTI: ESFP-A Voice Claim: 「 2:42 - 3:06 」
Pronouns: He / Him Theme: ハローディストピア 歌ってみた

"As long as this prank doesn't involve Nomu then I'm totally down to join.."

" T R A I T S "

  • Monster : Frankenstein's Monster
  • Race : Bun
  • Bell : Rare ; Barbed wire surrounding it
  • Third eye : Rare ; Multiple on his chest
  • Abilities : He's a strong boi, very strong!!!!

" D E T A I L S "

  • Markings : Moles under both eyes and multiple stitches and discoloured parts of skin
  • Tattoos : N/A
  • Piercings : Three piercings in left ear [one dangling earring] and none in right
  • Accessories : Black painted nails, choker and bandaid across left cheek

Playful • Energetic • Impressive • Sociable


The latest member to join the kowaiko gang. He's been friends with Nomu for years and their feelings for each other gradually developed without either of them noticing at first. Chiho is a very outgoing and extroverted person and has always had a protective attitude towards Nomu.

Since they started dating and Nomu introduced Chiho to the gang he's made more of an effort to try and get the 'Trickster Trio' to stop pranking him so much. He's also found it quite enjoyable to watch though when the pranks are aimed at Nomu and will sometimes join in much to his dismay.

" H I S T O R Y "

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue. Integer et diam eu massa faucibus molestie non vitae metus. Donec cursus lectus eros, in vestibulum sapien porta et. Aliquam ac est lorem. Etiam pulvinar laoreet augue, et faucibus ligula ornare quis. Pellentesque sed leo tincidunt, consectetur dui in, tincidunt nunc.

" S A D A K O "


Chiho's shirt has Sadako on it, and since the shirt has her in a TV like box she can actually crawl out of the shirt like she does with TV's.

This is Chiho's main contribution when he gets involved with the 'Trickster Trio' pranks. It's very effective at distracting other kowaiko while the 'Trickster Trio' set up the main elements of the prank.

The part he plays in most pranks is just the means of distraction while the others set up the main prank. They do this as others pay a lot of attention to Chiho due to his loud, and at times obnoxious, personality and they find him a key element in helping with the pranks. He doesn't always agree to help but when he does it certainly helps.


" N O M U "

[ Boyfriend ]

They've known each other years and their feelings gradually developed without either of them noticing. Chiho is a very outgoing and extroverted person and has always had a protective attitude towards Nomu.


" T A K A S H I "

[ Best Friend ]

Chiho likes that Takashi has a protective side like he does for those he cares about. He very quickly warmed to him when they started getting to know each other and he now considers Takashi his best friend.


" J I N "

[ Close Friend ]

Chiho has gotten to know Jin the most out of the 'Trickster Trio' as he's Takashi's boyfriend. They spend quite a bit of time together as a result and despite his at times cold and blunt personality.


" S H I N J U "

[ Friend ]

Chiho found Shinju a bit cold when they first met but since he's opened himself up more to the group Chiho really enjoys his real self. He gets along well with Shinju and enjoys messing with him.


" K A I R I "

[ Friend ]

Chiho initially didn't like Kairi knowing she was responsible for the pranks that caused trouble for Nomu. Knowing now they don't upset Nomu he gets along better with her and sometimes joins in on the pranks.

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