Alison the Malinae



5 years, 4 months ago


Full Name - Alison Quoura

Species - Malinae:

The Malinae species are people of the woods and darkened forests. They are born with a shadow, as most children are, however their shadow becomes their source of power, and sticks to them to the rest of their life (coming from an old parasitic virus). The “familiar” can change shape depending to the Malinae’s personality. The power of Malinae’s are usually split between them and their familiar, usually Malinae’s can control their familiar and order them to do so. Those with strong familiars usually do not get far in life for they become ordered about by their familiar. Power Balances vary between the familiar and the Malinae from person to person, but usually it does not shift throughout the lifetime of the two. Malinaes’ with more than one familiars have been heard of; however are not common.

Malinae are known to have soft golden skin, varying in tone but usually with golden flakes at least someplace, usually on their cheeks or shoulders. Their eyes are almost always a shade of green. They are known to have usually bright red, or some orange and yellow as their hair colors. Children are generally born with white hair, and it darkens out as they get older. Their ears are different sizes and covered in branches and flowers, the larger the ears the better for it caught sound easier. Most Malinae keep their hair shaved or cut very short due to the society’s importance in thieving and stealing to show how capable they are in caring for mates. Hair and their bodies after adulthood begin to sprout leaves and blossoms and flowers. 

Those with long hair show that they are not interested in the mating season, for they will be caught if they sneak with their bright red hair. The brighter the hair; the harder it is for those to sneak, but if they become successful then it is even more so of an honor.  

They all naturally have the ability to blend in with shadows, and most of them train to move and mold them, with their familiars as their power source.

They are easily susceptible to fungi and disease.

Class - Rogue Shadow Summoner

Passive Ability: Can hear and talk to shadows. (this is something constant, though she can ignore them as much as she can try)

Ability 1: Can attempt and has high chances at hiding in and behind shadows, incredibly good at sneaking (this increases even better when she gets her third ability and can cover herself in shadows).

Ability 2: Once per long rest, Quia aka the shadow, can give up part of itself to be consumed, and it will heal those that eat it.

Ability 3: Can move and control shadows.

Ultimate: Can create a shadow of any monster she can see in the area with the help and concentration of her familiar; make it 3D and command it to fight (it will use basic attacks of the thing it was shadow’d from). Can also work on NPCs and heroes.

Appearance -

Alison has long bright red hair that goes down to the middle of her back, and dull green eyes. She is 5ft 4in.

Backstory -

The daughter to Xurkis Quoura (the famous Malinae thief), and younger sister to Bluroy Quoura (the average thief but master shadow controler); Alison is the weakling of the family. She doesn’t get beat up by her family over it, if anything they support her other studies, like studying how to become stronger with her incredibly stronger familiar who she had named Quia, and furthering her already quick reaction time. 

She’s been studying the bond between her familiar and herself, while also studying to become the most agile in her family, being quick witted and reflexive no matter how sickly she can get.

She has two best friends, Toffee and Grieve who are family friends and live in the same forest like area. They all went to basic schooling together, and Alison was known to be their quick reflex to their sneaking. She had the greatest reaction time to any springing traps, and they called her “The Future Seer” in classes, due to her association with being able to uncanningly predict things (it was just her having quick reflexes and seeing patterns).

Her mother was barely ever spoken about, but when Xurkis spoke of her, he always spoke of her quick reflexes.

Personality - Neutral Good 

Nicknamed by friends as Ali, Son, or the occasional Qui-ali. 

Alison is incredibly quiet around new people but can easily become sassy and outspoken if her friends are badmouthed. She knows she is the weakest of many Malinae, and therefore does not fight against the prejudice against her, she just does her job, and lives her life; knowing she would not be able to fight back with her own power.

She is much more passive, and dodgey than her family and friends who can get aggressive.

She does not fight with (like verbal fight against Quia, and does not physically fight against others with) Quia, her familiar; for Quia is silent and sticks to her Malinae as she should, and has strong morals to protect her sickly owner who strives to become stronger without the strong familiar’s help.

Quia is usually in the form of a black cat, but when Alison gets agitated or angry, it may mesh and form into a large snake/serpent. ** (also depends on situations and can be removed). Quia lets her master do what she wants

Starting Equipment - 

An Invisibility Cloak that was given to her by Xurkis; can turn her invisible for 1 turn per fight.

Italian SideSword

Two Daggers attached to her sides 

Higher Gravity World than Earth - Appex

Society is Roughly less 21st century Earth level

Levo-amino acid based species
Apple people developed from native plant-species more akin to hybrid between venus fly trap and apple, when introduced to a fungal-bacterial specimen introduced in long distant past-- specimen formed symbiotic relationship with precursor Malinae species, which steered biological formation to sapient species with latent mass effect control, over light (Umbrakinesis).