Milka's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!



Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

CSvirus Global Rules


General Design/Character

  • Can be gifted or traded away. 
  • Cannot be resold for more than initial price + commission costs. 
    • Can be resold for any currency. 
    • Personal art or free art would not add value ;n;
  • Unless specified, all of my designs were priced for personal use, not commercial
    • Commercial price is maybe 3-4x the cost of personal use. 
    • Commercial price may vary depending on personal use design cost. 
      • These are just random number. Not actual costs.
      • $10 personal use cost = $100 w/ commercial rights. 
      • $200 personal use cost = $500 w/ commercial rights
    • With commercial rights the design and art belongs to you 100%. 
      • Depending on the contract, I may or may not be given permission to use the artwork for my portfolio.  
    • Bought for only $10 with commercial rights? You got the commercial rights so it's your property to do whatever. 
      • You can resell for however much you want.
      • Trace it and sell as a base to many people. 
      • Sell my art/design on places like gumroad to multiple people.
      • Use the art/design on products and sell the merch
      • Endless possibilities :O 
  • Do I NEED commercial rights? 
    • Only if you are planning to use the design for sales. Using it for a game, book, merchandise, reselling, etc. 
    • Non-profit usage still require commercial rights since you are raising money. Even though the money isn't into your pocket, someone or some entity is gaining money. 
    • You can purchase commercial rights later on if the need arises. 

Closed Species

  • Designs are never for commercial use unless 
    • You void the character from the species
    • Get rid of the species form and use the design on something else
    • and purchase commercial rights to the design
  • Don't have to strictly stick to the lore of the species unless you are part taking in the group/world that requires stuff to be canon.
  • Do not split up the design and species when selling/trading/gifting.
    • Ex. use the CS's design on a dog and resell the dog but keep the CS with the design still. 
  • You can give the closed species design alternate forms/AU forms.
    • ex. I have CS character and made a dog character with same design. They're the same character but CS form and dog form and both are in my possession. Now they cannot be separated unless heavily altered. . If CS is sold the dog form is sold along with it. 
    • If the AU form doesn't look similar to the CS design. Yes, they can be sold separately since they bare no resembles to cause problems.
  • Can be traded and gifted. 
  • Cannot be resold for more than initial price + commission costs. 
    • Can be resold for any currency. 
    • Personal art or free art doesn't raise it's value.