
8 years, 1 month ago



Gender: Male

Species: Wolverine

Age: 23

Sexuality: Gay

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 150 lbs

Accent: The best way to describe it is Midwest American with a bit of an East...Coast? influence? (was born in the Midwest and lived there most of his life until he moved to Colorado as an adult, but lived in New York for a period as a kid, he was young enough and it was long enough to leave an impression on him) 

Speaks some German, his accent is pretty good but cannot nail the consonantal R, his "soft" R is perfect since it's not that difficult in the first place. His name is actually pronounced Kee-Fuh as it's of German origin.

Also knows basic Norwegian, he naturally understands about just as much Swedish but is terrible at speaking in the second so he continues to focus on Norwegian despite having Swedish relatives and not the other. He has tried practicing it again on several different occasions but has failed every time. His accent in English actually shares some similarities with Norwegian even though he was not exposed to it until his adult years.

Favorite Things:

-Music, his most favorite genres are Death Metal, Black Metal, Grindcore/Deathgrind/Goregrind, Hardcore Punk, Garage Rock and Keller Synth/Tänzelcore 


-Nature/being outside

Least Favorite Things:

-Purposefully ignorant people



Positive Traits:

-Sweet once he gets to know you (but is sarcastically mean if you're the right type of person)

-Respectful (unless someone is not deserving of it)


Negative Traits:

-Short temper (though has improved on it in a long term sense)

-Slow to open up to others


Normally laid back and generally keeps to himself but unhinged in his element (mosh pits and the gym) he's not entirely introverted but his anxiety usually ends up getting the best of him when he wants to make friends and ends up waiting for someone to strike up a conversation first (is also trying to improve on this)