


5 years, 2 months ago



heir to the winter

he/she/they ♦️ immortal ♦️ theme

And to the ruined tower came the Prince of Aquitaine.


Ephemeral and perpetually windswept, standing a little off to the side as they watch the passing crowds with a faraway, almost wistful expression. If you're one of their few acquaintances, perhaps they'll drop the glamour and smile at you with moonwashed eyes, flicking an ear dusted with frost, the glaucous leaves woven in their hair and draped over their wings waving in an invisible breeze. Despite the illusion of weightlessness, the air around them is heavy with chill, pressing on your shoulders as familiarly as an old friend. They shift frequently and silently from moment to moment, clothes changing seamlessly with them. In the course of a long conversation they'll shrink two inches, flyaway hair shorter than when they began, blunt-edged sparrow wings thinning to a swift's and back again. They’re a study in contradictions, and the concerning thing is that they don't seem to realise it.

Those who first encounter Madelon often describe them as distant, mysterious and otherworldly. Noticing them in the first place requires a base amount of latent magical ability; whereas humans tend to either overlook their presence entirely or are too intimidated to approach, their kin consider them an abomination and shun them for being an avatar of foreign and hostile magic, leaving them skittish and wary of rejection. Due to being centuries out of practice with interacting with anyone other than their instructors and the Winter Court, they're hesitant in social situations and prefer listening over talking, absorbing new information and situations with undisguised fascination. Though awkward, sheltered and naive, Madelon is not without their pride and will defend it when underestimated or disregarded, even disproportionately so, as the fey have no real concept of restraint. At no time does their alienness become more apparent when they're glittering with fistfuls of congealed gore, the passably mortal shell melting away into something glaciated and Other. Flashes of terrifying morality aside, they're soft and empathetic, prone to self-doubt and insecurity, with an almost embarrassingly apparent need to be appreciated and liked.


‣ Immortality: While other fey may seek out human company for business or pleasure, the Winter Court has always been distant to those not of their kind, and the entryway to its realm lies somewhere within the frozen wastes of Antarctica, where one dimension bleeds into another. Time is... strange, in the Otherworld, and Madelon spent centuries to prove themselves as a true heir of winter, worthy of being stationed in the hallowed halls forevermore. Their mind remained remarkably whole in the process of shedding their mortal form, possibly due to their early Mark, and thinking back on it Madelon is surprised that they didn’t go mad entirely. Their bodiless spirit is frozen in eternal youth, as is the Court’s way, and their flesh made as solid and unyielding as permafrost. Any wound freezes shut before blood can escape.

‣ Cryokinesis: The Winter Queen kissed her successor's forehead as a mark of her approval. Madelon still bears the scar, perpetually blue-white from frostbite, but the effects run much, much deeper. They emanate a bone-deep chill and feel frozen to the touch, enough to cause tissue damage over prolonged periods of contact. Any room they step into quickly drops in temperature, and tendrils of frost spiderweb over any surface they breathe on. Their berries are blessed (or cursed, depending on your view) to never melt, freezing everything in its path like a ball of liquid hydrogen. Eating one of them, as temptingly bright as they are, may be the last thing you ever do — if you're lucky, it'll merely cause major organ damage before burning its way out of your flesh, but if lodged against bone it'll cause tremendous and unceasing pain until your death (or for perpetuity, if you're immortal). While Madelon can enhance these effects and exercise enough control to keep from harming others, they are unable to turn them off, as the cold is intrinsically part of them in a way their mortal body isn't anymore.

‣ Weather Control: Madelon can summon freezing rain, snow, hail, and even full-blown winter storms if the climate or season is already cold enough. Their standard powers are honed and amplified through the Winter Court’s elemental magic; while their telekinesis is only slightly stronger than the average Nerilaux’s in intensity, it affects much greater distances. With a custom staff built to properly withstand their full potential, they could summon blizzards and extratropical cyclones, but the Pegtropolis crafters refused to fit one for them, not without good reason. Practically speaking, Madelon is also more accurate than any forecast due to their preternatural affinity for the weather.

‣ Shapeshifting: While most Nerilaux can shift to a pegasus form at will, Madelon can only ever seem to manage it when startled or panicked out of their wits. They're rather jealous of Wenes for having no such problem with his stag form despite being far beyond the boundaries of his native Court. They’re quite small at 14 hands (142cm), about the size of a large pony: built for endurance running, not sprinting, which would be more useful if they could actually maintain it for any given timespan. Wenes believes that Madelon has trouble shapeshifting because they've always had to have a firm grasp on who they are, always pushing (unconsciously or consciously) to stay them within the isolating Winter Court. As a pegasus they also radiate cold, only slightly mitigated by their minky-soft fur and silky mane.

‣ Swordsmanship: Before their exile, Madelon briefly descended to Earth to learn how to swordfight because no Nerilaux school would take them. Due to their lack of a believable background, the instructors they found were... dubious, to say the least, and their training was cut short by the trials of the Winter Court. Alone, they expanded on the basic moves they'd learnt by practicing on snow dummies, resulting in a unique fusion of swordplay and (unconsciously channeled) elemental magic. While Madelon's "fencing" would get them laughed out of any formal training ring in Pegtropolis, the attacks are nonetheless graceful in their own way, utilizing high wind and flurries of snow against their opponents to maneuver and drive them back.

‣ Trans-Dimensional Travel: Being neither fully physical nor spirit, Madelon can access the in-between state separating the mortal plane from the spirit one. They're not as good at it as the fey are — the Otherworld rules them, rather than the other way around — but with concentration and visualisation they can appear wherever they like by stepping into the space between and then out to another location. Their burgeoning elemental powers unconsciously draw them to certain places on Earth, most often the middle of nowhere with tempetuous nexuses of harsh weather to feed their own. More often than not, paying insufficient attention means that the next portal they open will end up dropping them straight into the ocean, and Madelon's suffered enough nasty shocks this way that they won't teleport if there are any other options available, let alone risk it with a passenger in tow.


  • AKA Maddie, Mads, Eddy, Dell, Lon
  • SPECIES Nerilaux (coded Basque)
  • AGE Physically 18+
  • BIRTHDAY June 21st (Cancer)
  • ORIENTATION Panromantic asexual
  • STATUS Single
  • TRAITS ISFP, 9w8, Neutral Good
  • DAEMON Pachliopta hector ♂


  • Butterflies, insects in general
  • Having people nearby
  • Plants (that don't immediately wilt from cold)
  • Learning and using new words
  • High altitudes
  • Being considered strange or unnatural
  • Hostile, argumentative, tense situations
  • Sitting around doing nothing
  • Being reminded of their own helplessness
  • The sound of the wind
  • Madelon's voice changes with their form according to their perceived gender (♀/♂).
  • Madelon doesn’t really “get” technology at all, and find smartphones particularly difficult because their fingers stick to (and occasionally shatter) the screen with cold. They also have little concept of money or property: object permanence in the Otherworld is a flimsy thing, and the fey give gifts or exchange favors in the rare circumstances they need it.
  • People-watching: Drawn to cold remote areas. Occasionally saves people from falling prey to extreme cold, though this is against their nature.

  • Roaming the Court: Usually when they have nothing better to do, since it's so vast that they don't have to run into anyone unless they want to.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe habit here.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe habit here.





  • HP HOUSE: Huffledor

  • HS CLASS: Prince of Breath

  • A/B/O: Born Ω, can change at will; smells like night air and apple mint, fragant and mouthwatering.

  • SOCIAL CONNECTION: Madelon tries not to have goals or dreams since their last one ended so disastrously, and the few left tend to be either impractical or idealistic. This one is the latter: Madelon hopes that having more tethers to hold them to the mortal world will stop them from becoming like the Queen (who is more concept than being) when the change comes. And it will come, but whether it will work is anyone's guess.

  • DISMANTLING THE WINTER COURT: Madelon doesn't really think of this as being in the realm of possibility, but it's one of the thoughts that sustained them during the endless Antarctic trek. Even navigating the political ramifications would take far more knowledge of the Court and the other elementals than they have now, and they know better than anyone the dangers of getting in too deep: chances are, they'd never leave.

  • THE DARK: A side effect of wandering blindly for years of polar darkness. For the most part Madelon manages OK at night, but would plunge into panic if a sudden power outage happened.

  • BEING TOUCHED: Madelon is very new to tactile contact, and finds it strange to the point of pain. The possibility of unintentionally hurting others with their powers also makes them self-conscious and uncomfortable.

  • LARGE-SCALE CRISES: Not precisely a fear, but Madelon reacts very badly to them. They can't keep their cool during emergencies due to their high empathy and hate seeing anyone in pain. A single distressed person is bad enough, but widespread decimation would overwhelm them.



we want to go inside the cold
it's like a tomb, but it's something to hold

Nam vitae ultricies metus, in rutrum nisi. Phasellus porta ullamcorper mauris, id pharetra velit pulvinar id. Ut sit amet felis porta, mattis eros et, pulvinar velit. Pellentesque interdum nulla a ex finibus, sed cursus lacus tincidunt. Cras condimentum ipsum eget tristique venenatis. Morbi at bibendum felis, sit amet commodo orci. Cras efficitur massa consequat diam eleifend porta. Nullam vel turpis id nibh molestie auctor.


Mon front est rouge encor du baiser de la Reine.

Madelon's childhood was a happy one until the Winter Queen came to take them away. On one side their line was full of decorated military and established scholars, and the other made of wealthy lords who held their children to rigid standards befitting their status. Having been raised in such strict households, Madelon's parents were determined to give their children an easy life, and as a result Madelon was cherished and spoiled from the moment they were born. They were raised on a large estate, indulged by all within, and allowed to explore wherever they liked. This, in the end, would be their downfall.

Who could say why the Winter Court took an interest in them? At six years old, young enough to fondly recall past memories in preceding years but not enough to remember them in any clear detail, Madelon was an auspicious candidate for an elemental incarnation, but not a unique one. And yet, when the Queen touched her lips to their brow and they did not struggle or calcify where they stood, the fey decided that they would be hers, and Madelon would never see their parents alive again.


The Winter Queen
  • Deity and subject; though her successor, Madelon has never once felt equal to her.

There in the garden she looked my way

The impenetrable avatar of the Winter Court, having fully given up the vestiges of her former mortality long before Madelon was born. They rarely interact except for brief meetings and reside in separate spheres out of necessity; nowhere but the heart of the Winter Court can withstand two incarnations without bringing about lasting repercussions for the rest of the world, even if one of them is nascent. Like most of the fey, Madelon feels unwilling admiration and fear in equal measure for the Queen, discomfited by her might but ultimately conceding to her authority. What she thinks of them is less obvious, likely by design, but she has always made it clear that their future will follow the plan she has set out for them, whether willingly or not.

  • Technically their stepdad, but they're more like friends. Each other's confidantes due to their unique positions in the Winter Court.

What else can I say but "Take me with you?"

While Madelon is actually far older than Wenes, he acts as a guiding figure to them during their reintegration into society due to his life experience. They are his only source of companionship in the Court, as the other fey regard him with disdain (or sometimes avarice) and largely stay away for fear of the Queen's possessiveness. As a summer creature in the Winter Court, Wenes is fated to die young, and he appreciates that Madelon doesn't treat him like he's doomed or foolish for his choice of lover. Still, their interest isn't entirely altruistic; Wenes is the only person who knows exactly what they are, and who won't judge them for it. He whispers his secrets and hopes to be forever embalmed in their frost, and in turn they're entranced by his tales of romance and vivid portraits of eternal summer.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.
