Balthasar Salvadore



5 years, 3 months ago


- Basic Information -
Full Name: Balthasar Salvadore 

Alias: Balthasar, Bloeddrankboom (sounds like blew-dwank-boo-e-um)

Nickname: Balty, Baltimora

Title: Voracious Innocence

Gender: Male

Species: Anthropomorphic/Thordrigan/Ya-Te-Veo

Age: 28(?)

D.o.B.: Unknown

Sexuality: Asexual, has been expressing feelings for the opposite gender as of recent.

City of Birth: Southern Mazuri

Currently lives: Narsanial's Mansion, Pei-Ning

Languages Spoken: Mazuri Afrikaan, Spagonian Spanish, Spagonian English

Relationship Status: Single.

-Physical Appearance-
Height: 4' 3" (1.3m)

Weight: 85 lbs (39kg)

Hair colour: A shade of green

Eye colour: Blood red

Skin colour: Dark wood brown

Hairstyle: There is a total of 6 large leaves acting as his hair; one centre fringe, two for each side of his head, two more for the back that reaches his shoulders, followed by one centre that reaches his shoulders as well.

Tail: None

Tattoos: None

Piercings: None at all.

Scars/distinguishing marks: 

  • There appears to be an eye on his abdominal area. He never covers it.

Frequently worn Jewellery: 

Smoker/Drinker: Why would I inhale rolled up leaves? What purpose does that achieve? / Feels nothing from alcohol.

Drug User? Which?: Your kind have strange methods to feel stimulated.

Addiction(s): You could say I have a taste for mashed fruits, all blended together. Taste better when it's been left out for a couple of days.

Allergies: Nothing.

Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: The inability to smell.


  • Nonchalant: He has a deadpan look towards a lot of things that he admits have never believed to have existed until he's seen them with his own eyes. Even attempts to surprise him have ended in failure, for he questions the purpose of such an act.
  • Chilvarous: To protect the defenceless is a lesson he carries by heart, taught to him by his guardian. He places others at a higher priority than himself, often risking himself to take hits for them. He is also well-mannered, though he has trouble understanding how manners work in a different culture.
  • Inquisitive: He wishes to know more about the world since leaving his hometown, making it a point to learn about their culture and social norms. He still doesn't understand why ripping one's own arm off for extra reach is worthy of a screaming choir.
  • He wishes no ill towards those that seek to harm him or his companions, wondering if there was a misunderstanding that he wasn't aware of. He wishes to do his best to amend this rift, though he would not surrender his companion over that easily.
  • Loyal: You receive what you give. He makes it a point to keep check of his companions, making sure they are not struggling so that he can lend a helping hand to soothe their concerns.
  • Experimental: To live is to learn. Ever since he left behind his previous life, Balthasar is interested in knowing why certain things work. Books exist for a reason, yes, but he wants to see with his own eyes what happens when, say, one were to combine chicken with ice cream.

Likes: Intellectual conversations, shadow theatre, blood packs, building blocks, magic tricks, rotting fruit salad, history, being stationary, when birds rest upon him (except Pekoy), amusement parks, calligraphy, heavy metal, ladybirds, being in the air, writing letters, yo-yos in general, 

Dislikes: Fire, axes (for obvious reasons), artificial surfaces, acid rain, smoke, those with a plant-based diet, having to regenerate his limbs, his vines being touched/damaged, glitter, fertiliser, items with an adhesive surface, amusement parks, aquariums, 

Favourite/Disliked Food: Raw meat / The idea of eating other vegetables.

Favourite/Disliked Drink: Water / Gasoline


  • He fears of being reduced to ashes; Basically, death.

Hobbies: Gardening, reading, chess, playing card games, painting, building blocks, yo-yo


  • "Interesting. I thought it's said in this book that this combination should have resulted in a massive explosion."
  • "Oh, you need a hand? Certainly." *proceeds to rip arm off*

Team Info: Primarily acts as Power; capable of fulfilling Support role.

  • He is part of the Narsanial's Ruffians team.


  • He is capable of manipulating his vines as if each and every one of them was an additional limb for him to use. He can also make them perform multiple duties simultaneously, so as long as he's aware of what he's doing.
  • Gardening: In a way, his capability to communicate with plants grants him a better understanding of the flora and to tend to their needs as soon as he possibly can.


  • Sixth Sense: He is capable of anticipating attacks before the strike is dealt. How fast he responds to them is a completely different story. This also extends to keeping others out of harm's way, though what would inflict harm upon them will remain a guess until it actually happens.
  • Prehensile Vines: The vines on his back and top of his head are capable of acting independently. They are also prehensile enough to catch the opponent's weapons, even if it means losing a few vines in the process.
  • Unnatural strength: Despite his weakly look, he is capable of lifting a lot of weight.
  • Regeneration: Though this process is excruciatingly slow, Balthasar can regenerate parts of his body so as long as the core body is intact. Even if he loses his head, the eye on his torso would be aware of everything that is happening around him. It takes him a long time to grow back the parts that he has lost. This process can be shortened if they just reattach his severed limbs back. But please attach them to the correct places, or he would be forced to tear them off himself and reattach them.
  • Intuitive: He likes to think a lot. This leads him to sharing theories and possibilities with his companions, allowing members such as Cassandra or Roslan to discuss and rule out any factors that would affect this hypothesised scenario. He also makes an intriguing conversation partner, so as long as the other party does not flinch at some of the theories he'd raise.

Special Attack(s):

  • Perfect Guard: Basic skill. He blocks at the same time that the attack is about to connect, enabling him to deflect the hit and startle his opponent.
  • Flash Strike: Basic skill. He attacks just before an enemy's strike lands, enabling him to surprise his foe and hit them where it hurts most.
  • Leech: Basic skill. So as long as his vines are grappling onto someone, Balthasar can begin to drain the magical stamina out of his trapped victim. This energy is used to heal his wounds, but any excess will be distributed into the soil he stands on.
  • Feast: Intermediate skill. Instead of leeching the life essence out of his victim, he lacerates and pierces the trapped foe repeatedly, then discarding its body aside. Rarely used.
  • Rend: Intermediate skill. Instead of leeching the life essence out of his victim, he constricts them, loosens a vine, then pulls that vine back to him. It's sort of a morbid version of playing the yo-yo.

Ability to operate vehicles? Which?: No.

-Family and Friends-
Parents: No, but he does have a guardian.

Is the character still in contact with parents?: Every once in a while.

Siblings: None.

Partner/Spouse: Was once proposed by a female who claimed to be "the wife of Nightmare". He proceeded to dump her into her village in the following hour.

Children: None.


Extra Info:

  • He picked the name "Balthasar Salvadore" on his own. Initially, the name given by the village folks that his guardian looked after was "Bloeddrankboom".
  • Being a plant, he does not have the organs that an average animal has.
  • The chieftain claims to have seen him for the past 27 years, but in truth, even Balthazar has no clue of his true age.
  • He's been a subject to various tales spun by parents in that village. From a bogeyman to the "Nightmare Tree", it's no wonder most locals react in feared reverence towards him.
  • Whenever one of his limbs is hacked off, Balthasar would improvise on the spot by tangling together some of his vines into the shape of his lost limb. He would normally use three vines to substitute the lost limb on the spot.
  • The group accepted him as a member after he'd brought Cassandra back to safety, after a rather perilous journey through the jungles. Upon receiving permission from the chief who'd raised him since he was a sapling, Balt leaves with a promise to visit whenever he can.
  • He enjoys a rather philosophical conversation with Nephele.
  • The eye on his stomach is actually the source of his life.