Whimsy ✦



5 years, 3 months ago



Name [whimsy]
Age [?? young adult]
Gender [female]
Pronouns [she/her]
Height [5'3" (6'2" w/antlers)]
Build [slight, cute]
Species [tiefling]
Class [druid, circle of dreams]
Background [faechild]
Alignment [chaotic good]
Birthday [december 25th]
Level [9]

  • smooth purple skin, slight freckling on face
  • long black/purple hair, a bit wavy/curly and often a big mess! littered with braids, beads, sticks, etc
  • curling antlers sprout from forehead, usually with little charms and accessories
  • large gold doe eyes, a soft face

this is a wip im gonna rewrite this in a bit!!!

She's very naive and gullible, very curious abt the world around her, and doesn't understand or know a lot of things. Weird things too, like, she doesn't understand common relationships or how to buy something from a store or how exactly beds work, but she knows a lot about magic and animals and nature. She likes pretty things and flowers!! She has a pet rat named Willow!! She writes down everything in her journal, anything from what she did that day to her observations on how people act to her Dreams. She almost obsessively writes things down- she doesn't want to forget them.
She doesn't really understand lying, and doesn't lie herself really (she doesn't always share info until someone asks, but lying isn't really something that fae do. twist or withhold the truth maybe, but not outright lie.) Bc of this she is super trusting!!


  • Whenever she wild shapes, her shapes keep the antlers, no matter the animal! This is a concious choice and she technically can stop it if she wants to (or if she needs to blend in), but she thinks it more fun this way.
  • She writes and doodles in her journal all the time, keeping track of things in case she forgets something again.
  • Likes shiny and pretty things, collects cool sticks and rocks!!
  • Prefers to heal and help nature and animals over fighting, but, is not afraid to throw down if necessary
  • All animals are her friends!!

  • her pet rat, willow
  • plants, animals, pretty things
  • new things!! meeting new people!!!
  • her friends
  • aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  • forgetting things
  • her friends being hurt
  • oweing people things
  • metals
  • aaaaaaa

She was born the child to a human druid, Emera, who was part of a small reclusive circle of druids deep in the woods. Emera's circle shunned her for giving birth to a tiefling child, and she was told to either get rid of the baby or leave the circle- so she left, and took her child (who she named Iva) away from the circle.

when Emera was younger and dumber she had a fling with a fey, who she accidentally promised her first born to?? And Emera had no intentions of following through. She named her babey Iva, and raised her loved and happy in a little hut in the middle of the woods, and from the moment she could walk and talk she taught Iva druid magics. Their little forest house was heavily warded and hidden, so it took a while before Emera and Iva were found, but eventually they were. When Iva was about 4 or 5, a young Dryad named Mellaniphe who worked under the feylord Iva was promised to showed up at their door. It was the middle of the night, and both were asleep. Mella took Iva, leaving plants growing in her place, and returned to the Feywild. When Emera woke up and found her child missing, replaced by a bed of beautiful mushrooms and flowers, she knew what happened, and was wracked with grief and guilt. Emera never stopped looking for Iva.

Now in the feywild, Mellaniphe brought Iva to Muirne, one of the feylords in the Summer Court. When Iva awoke, she was both scared and awestruck, convinced she was in a dream of a beautiful forest with even more beautiful beings. She soon learned she wasn't. When Iva freaked out, crying to go home, to see her mom, Muirne didn't like that. They took away Iva's memory of her mother, of her life before the feywild, even of her own name. Iva became Whimsy, the silly, cute, interesting new pet of Muirne's.

Whimsy grew up in the feywild, surrounded by beauty and terror and, well, whimsy. She was treated more as a plaything or toy, usually referred to as “Fiendling.” Mellaniphe was usually her caretaker when Muirne couldn't be bothered. Mella saw Whimsy's natural talent for druid magic, which was only increased by the sheer amount of magic in the feywild, and decided to teach her how to use it. She was taught to change shape, like the fey could, to heal, to alter the plants around her. Mella taught her these things under the pretense of the Fiendling learning new tricks, something for Muirne to show off. Mella did actually care for Whimsy, was about the only one who did, even if it wasn't exactly love in the human sense. But Whimsy appreciated it, even if she didn't know it.

Whimsy spent years and years in the feywild, learning the Forest and its magic. Muirne was a not a terribly strict owner, but Whimsy was never seen as a person; She was below them, and they made sure she knew that she belonged to them. Whimsy was charmed, if only by being in the feywild for so long, and was as happy as she knew how to be. She knew she was different, knew she was lesser, but Mella was kind and Muirne fed her good food and gave her shelter and protection from other Fey, those who would seek to harm their demonchild. She ahd a pet, Willow, a little fey creature rat that is her companion and familiar.

She made a friend, as well- a little deep gnome named Boziik. Neither of them know how he got there, but as kids and druids they became fast friends and one of the only people Whimsy was close to. He was her little brother, of sorts, and they got into all sorts of trouble and fun when she wasn't doing something for Muirne or Mella. They practiced magic together, after Mella stopped teaching Whimsy so much.

One day, when Whimsy was about 18-19 (not that she knew that or had any frame of reference for her age or the passing of time), Whimsy was wandering the feywild's forests, when she stumbled upon a portal to the prime material. All she knows is that she woke up suddenly in a forest, different from the one she came from, with a pet rat and a staff and no idea how she got there. Her memories, already altered by the fey, were more than fuzzy, and she didn't know where she came from or where she was. She knew her name, Whimsy, but that was it. The customs and ways of this world are all so strange to her, different from they feywild that she doesn't really remember. She doesn't remember Muirne, or Mellaniphe, or even Boziik- just vague ideas that she used to know people, but can't really place their names or faces.


Willow companion

a lil rat!!! she is indestructable and has been through much