
5 years, 4 months ago


Name: Basil Jathan Fenton (Bay'•zl Jay'•thin Fen'•ton)

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Species: Human/element

Personality: He is rather laidback and soaks in most insults rather than react. He prefers to let things slide so he can focus on more "important" things. He can be a tad slow, but once he's got the hang of it: he's got it. He's rather ingenuitive and loves to create his own machines and contraptions (especially environment-healthy ones). He is extremely determined and an extremely hard worker when it comes to his handiwork (he wishes he could say the same for his schoolwork). He prefers the quiet to loudness. He lacks much motivation for anything unless he is interested in it. He always seems to be ill: the one day you see him feeling great is the day you ask if he's sick. 😂  

Appearance: Basil has a very thick and stocky build, and isn't necessarily the tallest either. He does have a bit of extra weight, but his poor health keeps him fairly thin. He has pale skin and a silvery hair that is swept upwards on one side. His right eye is an amethyst purple while his left has a chrysoberyl flower-shaped gem that sprouted from it. 

Usual Apparel: He typically wears a red flannel with a simple or one-color T-shirt underneath. He also wears thick jeans and any type of shoes. His clothes often have some sort of dirt or oil on them. He is often seen carrying a knapsack with tools in it.

Relationship Status: Dating Rosie.

Occupation: Does mechanic work on the side while in school.



His skin is very hard to penetrate, which, essentially, makes him a walking boulder.

When emotionally distressed, his skin produces aquamarine and emerald gems anywhere throughout his body, which can act as an excellent defense mechanism.

His cough (or, rather, the air after it is exchanged through his lungs) is toxic and can paralyze parts of a human body.


He has poor depth perception due to the crystal in his left eye- he can see through it, but it is like looking through a fly's eye (everywhere at once, simply). He can shut his eye 3/4 of the way closed to try to ignore this.

The gems that grow from his skin when distressed are like hair follicles beneath the skin (he quite literally doesn't have hair all over his body), except they are extremely painful when they burst through the epidermis layer.

His cough is very dangerous to others (especially since he always appears to be ill), and always covers his mouth to avoid causing any harm - occasionally he wears a surgical mask to prevent any risk.

He is constantly suffering from a chronic cough and slight insomnia.

Backstory: Basil was one of the many expirements created by a certain team of scientists: to make into creation a person of each of the Periodic Table of Elements. This sole purpose was done so they could more easily harness each element. Even though many of these were failures, the expirement as a whole was considered a success. The expirements were raised from children and even attended achool when they were old enough. They are still being monitered, but Basil is certainly enjoying his life growing up as a normal kid.


Favorite color: Yellow

Favorite food: Pork

Favorite animal: Dik dik

Hobby: Doing mechanical work

Worst fear: Never seeing the sun again

Goal in life: To have a family and normal life

Birthday: May 6th