GP / GoldPiilot



5 years, 3 months ago


a jackass, but a decent captain that makes sure eveyone is fed. not by him personally. he's a terrible cook.

gp will go out of his way to start a fight if he even thinks someone looks at his crew wrong.  his favorite threat is to 'dump your sorry carcass on tattoine' because everyone loves sand. ironically he doesn't mind it

a stubborn hard-headed asshat that like to figure things out on his own, but doesn't care about enough things to actually use his two braincells.

SWTOR timeline for age, guessing about 25 around 3643 BBY || 10 ATC, doesn't know actual age.

telling signs for when gp is about to start a fight: he gets a tick in the corner of his mouth like hes gonna smile, starts cracking joints - particularly his hands. crew and ship layout

gault is the most responsible one, fiscally but normally has sound strategic advice. 

no one goes into the engine room bc that jawa lives there. 

torian can drink gp under the table. makko is mom friend. 

2v-r8 is best at negotiations and will call you out on your bullshit.

two floor cargo ship, pretty small but enough room for everyone to have a corner. stairs on left. cargo on right where torian is standing. straight ahead is three way split. two rooms directly acroos from each other, left room has two beds bunks on right, striaght is engine room with big computer display.
up the stiars on left from main cargo hold leads up to holo terminal and catwalk over main room, captains bunk is along this path, keep going leads to cockpit.
two chairs to the right and left with computer teminals up each wall, big holo of a galactic map in the middle of the dash.

lights are dim yellow and shite.

you can almost always find gault cleaning his gun our doing math/counting funds in the bottom left room if he's not sleeping to conserve energy.

torian has top bunk on right side, makko will switch around where she sleeps depending on who she's most pissed at.

there's been more than one instance of correlian ale having found it's way on board and eveyone will sleep in a dogpile in the cargo area, in the packing blankets

drinks are common, smoking no, drugs no. smoking is killer on the filters and cant be too messed up to not be able to get to work on hunting a bounty at a drop of a dime so is not tolerated.

gp and torian like to hold drinking contest and they pick on gault until he gives in, spoiler: gault cant hold any alcohol at all past one human beer/equivalent

gp usually regrets it in the morning for binging and torian wakes up fine because he remembers to hydrate, he acts like a smug 5 yr old when gp is obviously still hungover and hes not.