Jesse Varbel



5 years, 3 months ago


Jesse Varbel

Male . 16


Eager . Anxious . Witty

"Stay Gold. Shine on."


Race: Hybrid
Role: Camp Counselor
Orientation: Gay
Sign: Libra
Alignment: Neutral Good
Flower: Content
Theme: Link a song


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Jesse grew up in a generally pretty alright environment. His parents were sometimes strict, but it was only when he would start slacking in his responsibilities. They let him enjoy his life as long as he was keeping his grades up and wasn't getting in any huge amounts of trouble. He kept his grades to a B average. When he was around 15, he started showing really strong signs of anxiety. His parents took him to see a professional after he had a really bad meltdown and he told them via text that he wanted help. After some time of seeing a therapist, the conclusion that was reached was that he had panic disorder. He still continued to see his therapist after that to better understand and continue working on his mental health to ensure he was able to function properly in the future. He eventually ends up getting an emotional support pet in the form of a cat that he adopted when she was a small kitten. She is spoiled to all hell by him. When he came out, everyone in his life fully accepted him. During Jesse's sophomore year, the Williams family moved to town and Emily ended up attending the same high school as Jesse. Emily shared two classes with Jesse during their Sophomore year. They become fast friends and get along really well. They learned to trust each other and became close friends. Eventually they came out to each as gay. They're wlw and mlm solidarty. Emily's family, especially her older brother Ronnie, saw how good of friends they became so Jesse is treated like family. Once Ronnie opens up Camp Foral, Jesse is offered a position of one of the camp counselors. He agreed and now happily helps with running Camp Foral when it's open. He works at a music shop in town and mainly helps with the stringed instruments (guitars, basses, ukuleles, etc). Eventually his whole thing of being a werewolf kicks in and then he ends up awakening witch powers within him thus he becomes a hybrid.

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